An AI-powered knowledge


38200 Michigan Avenue, Wayne, MI 48184


38303 Michigan Avenue, Wayne, MI 48184

Company Correspondence In
Connection with Agreements

March 2024 – April 2028



Important Phone Numbers………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Duration of Agreement………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Important Information You Should Know………………………………………………………………………….4
Change of Address………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Emergency Calls……………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 4
Five (5) – Day Notice……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Medical Leave of Absences………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
In-Plant Injuries………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Pay Shortages……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Attendance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Absenteeism Procedure on Discipline……………………………………………………………………………… 5
Daily Manpower Count………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Employees Reporting Late for Work……………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Perfect Attendance………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Personal Day Agreement Plan……………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Personal Leaves of Absence………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Proper Coding and Keeping of Employees Attendance Records……………………………………………………6
Short Term Military Duties…………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Vacation Scheduling………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Disciplinary Actions and Grievance Procedure……………………………………………………………………. 7
Abusive Supervision………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Discharges and 10 Day Quits……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Disqualifications and Training……………………………………………………………………………………… 7
First Stage Grievances……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Notification of Disciplinary Action………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Procedure to be Followed in Disciplinary Hearings………………………………………………………………… 7
Prompt Payment of Grievances………………………………………………………………………………………8
Time While in a Disciplinary Hearing……………………………………………………………………………… 8
Facilities………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Cafeteria Hours……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Handicapped Parking……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Ice Machines………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Jumper Cables………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Open House…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Parking Lot…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Pool Car Usage………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
Preferred Parking…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Recreation & Charitable Fund……………………………………………………………………………………… 9
V-CAP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..9
Health and Safety…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Appendix S………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Cooling Bodies…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Driving Production Units………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Emergency Response Team……………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Ergonomic Jobs……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Grinding and Spraying in the Open……………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Heat Conditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Horns and Whistles………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Isolated Work Areas………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

New Employee Safety Training…………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Post Major Chemical Spill or Fire Air Testing……………………………………………………………………. 11
Roof Work………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Unsafe Working Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Visitors to the Plant………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Water Fountains and Work Station Fans………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Weather Conditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………12
Weekly Safety Steering Committee Meetings…………………………………………………………………….. 12
Working Between Units…………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Health and Safety Apparel and Equipment………………………………………………………………………. 13
Coveralls and Shop Coats…………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Ergonomic Equipment…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Gloves……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Paint Coverall Distribution………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Safety Glasses……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Uniform Liaison…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Uniform Vouchers………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
Local Continuous Improvement/Workforce Empowerment…………………………………………………….. 14
Loans – Departmental and From ISA……………………………………………………………………………… 15
Loans from ISA……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Loaned Out Employees……………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Maintenance and Clean Up………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Cleaning and Housekeeping………………………………………………………………………………………..16
Cleaning of the Adjacent Buildings……………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Locker Room Fumigation…………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Maintenance of Paint Booths……………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Maintenance Work Requests……………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Manpower Assigned to Clean Lunch Areas………………………………………………………………………. 16
Paint Mix Clean-Up……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Material Handling and Multi-Level……………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Break-In of New Employees for the Multi-Level Operations…………………………………………………….. 17
Driver Truck Trailer……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Interlock System West Dock and Shipping Dock Doors………………………………………………………….. 17
Material Handling Discipline……………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Material Handling or Plant Services Recall Rights……………………………………………………………….. 17
Stock Racks………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Wet and Snow Covered Stock…………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Winterized Material Handling Equipment………………………………………………………………………… 18
Medical………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
Access to Medical Computer System……………………………………………………………………………… 19
Assignment of Utility Employees on Emergency and Hospital Cases……………………………………………. 19
Job Placement of Handicapped Employees……………………………………………………………………….. 20
Job Reassignment of Medical Leave Returns……………………………………………………………………… 20
Manning of the Medical Facility…………………………………………………………………………………… 20
Medical Leave Listing…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
Placement and Retention of Occupationally Restricted Employees………………………………………………. 20
Report of Injuries on Company Property………………………………………………………………………….. 21
Workers Compensation Placement………………………………………………………………………………… 21

Miscellaneous……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
Classification Changes……………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Overtime Information……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
Pay Shortage Report………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Plant Occupational Group Agreement……………………………………………………………………………. 23
Production Overtime Agreement………………………………………………………………………………….. 26
Scheduling………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26
Charging…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28
Equalization……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29
Overtime Coordinators……………………………………………………………………………………………30
OT Groupings……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
Production Standards and Relief……………………………………………………………………………………33
Article IV, Section 4(a)-Relief…………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Booth Technician………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Buying Relief and Working through Lunch………………………………………………………………………. 33
Control of Line Speeds……………………………………………………………………………………………. 33
Job Changes……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Marking of Units…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
New Job Break In Period………………………………………………………………………………………….. 34
Notice to Union of Production Schedule and Mix Accessories…………………………………………………… 34
Prep Time………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 34
Production Standards……………………………………………………………………………………………… 34
Relief………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35
Relief Strings……………………………………………………………………………………………………….35
Special Relief……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35
Taking Built-Up Stock for Repair…………………………………………………………………………………. 35
Work Assignments………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35
Promotional/Non Promotional……………………………………………………………………………………… 36
Eligibility of Job Opening…………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
Filling Open Assembly Positions…………………………………………………………………………………..37
Manufacturing Leader Returning to the Hourly Workforce………………………………………………………. 37
Paint Mix Kitchen Postings…………………………………………………………………………………………37
Prove Out Building………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
Quality Department Team Leader Posting…………………………………………………………………………38
Reducing New Employees Taking a Posted Job…………………………………………………………………… 38
Quality Control……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39
Material Rework…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39
Outside Contractors and Vendors…………………………………………………………………………………. 39
Quality Control……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39
Rework or Inspection……………………………………………………………………………………………… 39
Statistical Process Control (S.P.C)………………………………………………………………………………… 39
Traditional Work…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39
Rates and Classifications…………………………………………………………………………………………… 40
Assignment of Employees to Pre-Delivery………………………………………………………………………… 40
Department or Group Changes ……………………………………………………………………………………..40
Tie Breaker………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40
Seniority Agreement………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41
Temporary Employees…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41

Shift Preference……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42
Shift Preference Agreement……………………………………………………………………………………….. 42
Bumping by Restricted Employees…………………………………………………………………………….. 43
Start – Quit Times…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44
Irregular Shift Starting Times……………………………………………………………………………………… 44
Lunch Times………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44
Quitting Times…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44
Starting Times……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44
Team Leader Agreement…………………………………………………………………………………………… 45
Training Time……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 46
Letters of Understanding……………………………………………………………………………………………47
Accelerated Card Access Program (ACAP)………………………………………………………………………. 48
Bargaining Unit Recognition……………………………………………………………………………………… 49
Conduct of Retiree Supervisors…………………………………………………………………………………… 50
Continuous Improvement……………………………………………………………………………………….. 51
First Stage Grievances…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52
Group Leaders……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 53
Launch Product Secialist Overtime Equalization…………………………………………………………………. 54
Line Speed………………………………………………………………………………………………………….55
Locally Appointed Representatives……………………………………………………………………………….. 56
Multi-Level Department…………………………………………………………………………………………… 57
New Work Opportunities………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58
Pay Shortages……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59
Production Standards – Rebalance Period Flexibility……………………………………………………………… 60
QLS Buyoff………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61
Recall Rights for “Designated” Classifications………………………………………………………………… 62
Recycling………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 63
Scrap Hauling……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 64
Vendors Visiting the Plant………………………………………………………………………………………… 65
Work Standards……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 66
Historic Letters……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 67
Union Committees………………………………………………………………………………………………… 68
ECPL Training…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 69
Outside Contractor notification……………………………………………………………………………………. 70
Overlapping Supervision……………………………………………………………………………………………71
Pay Practices………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 72
Supervision Performing Hourly Work…………………………………………………………………………….. 73
Skilled Trades Local Agreement Guidelines……………………………………………………………………… 74
Carpenters…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 74
Combustion Safety………………………………………………………………………………………………..75
Electricians………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 75
FIS Coordinator(s)………………………………………………………………………………………………..76
Industrial Lift Truck and Tow Tractor Repair…………………………………………………………………….. 77
Machine Repair……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 77
Millwrights………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77
Powerhouse – Stationary Steam Engineer…………………………………………………………………………. 80
Preventative Maintenance (PM) Planner………………………………………………………………………….80
Tinsmith…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 81

Waste Water Treatment Plant Operations…………………………………………………………………………. 82
Welders……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 82
Skilled Trades – Miscellaneous Items……………………………………………………………………………… 83
Apprentices Working Alone………………………………………………………………………………………. 83
Changeover Agreement…………………………………………………………………………………………….83
Definitions of Past Practices………………………………………………………………………………………. 84
Facilities Maintenance Crew………………………………………………………………………………………. 84
Fire Watch Crew…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 84
LJSOE Meetings…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 84
Maintenance Work Teams………………………………………………………………………………………… 85
Non Production Downtime………………………………………………………………………………………… 85
Outside Contacting………………………………………………………………………………………………… 86
Overtime Agreement – Skilled Trades…………………………………………………………………………….. 86
Plant Master License………………………………………………………………………………………………. 91
Power Lock Out…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 91
Pushing Units……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 91
Shift and Area Preference Agreement………………………………………………………………………………92
Trade Leaders – Skilled Trades……………………………………………………………………………………. 92

Local 900 UAW
38200 Michigan Avenue
Wayne, Michigan 48184
Region 1A
9650 Telegraph Rd,
Taylor, MI 48180
Solidarity House UAW
8000 E. Jefferson
Detroit, Michigan 48214

Labor Relations…………………………………………………734-641-5124
Workers’ Comp…………………………………………………734-467-0131
National Employee Service Center……………………………. 800-248-4444
A Plan…………………………………………………………..800-348-7709
UAW Building Chairman……………………………………… 734-467-0134
UAW Bargaining Committee…………………………….…… 734-467-0926
UAW District Committee………………………………………734-467-0292
UAW Skilled Trades Committee……………………………… 734-467-2026

UAW Health & Safety……………………………………………….734-467-0099
UAW Benefits………………………………………………………..734-467-0039
UAW Work Standards………………………………………………..734-467-0081
UAW Quality…………………………………………………………734-467-0281
UAW ESSP……………………………………………………………734-467-0181


This Agreement shall become effective on the first Monday after receipt by the Company from the Local Union of
written notice that this Agreement and the other Agreements executed by the parties as of the date thereof have been
ratified by the local Union.
This agreement shall run concurrently with the effective date of any new Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated
by the National Parties subsequent to the March 22, 2024 agreement and shall remain in effect for the same period as
any new agreement or authorized/approved extension.
This agreement is signed subject to the approval of the National Ford Department of the UAW and the Labor Affairs
Staff of the Company.


March 22, 2024
Mr. Scott Elliott – Chairman
Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly
38303 Michigan Ave.
Wayne Mich. 48184
Dear Mr. Elliott,
As a result of our meeting on March 22, 2024, all issues in Local Negotiations at the Michigan Assembly Plant – Final
Assembly have been satisfactorily concluded.

Flueretta Drummer
Director – Employee Relations
Michigan Assembly Plant
Concur: Scott Elliott
Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly


Read the agreements, both master and local, carefully. If you have any questions, contact your Union Representative.
Read communication monitors and posting boards daily.
Discuss any complaints you may have with a member of management and Committeeperson immediately.
Keep informed. Read the bulletin boards daily.
Do not sign any papers without first reading. Be sure of what you are signing.
Very Important – Keep both the Union and the Company informed of your correct address and telephone number. This
is your responsibility. It could affect the status of your employment.
Change of Address – A change of address is to be initiated by the employee at the Plant Labor Relations Office or the
Employee Self Service link on
Emergency Calls – All emergency calls will be directed to Plant Security. A system is in effect whereby personnel
within the plant will be required to confirm to the Security Office that an emergency message has been delivered to the
employee for whom it is intended. If the confirmation is not received in the Security Office within a reasonable time
under the circumstances (normally 15-20 minutes), a second call will be made to ensure that the message was
delivered promptly to the employee. If no verification has been received within 30 minutes Labor Relations personnel
will be advised and they will take the necessary steps to ensure delivery of the message to the employee. Instances of
failure of this procedure may be brought to the attention of the Human Resources Manager.
Security personnel will not make a determination as to the validity of the emergency, but will process the call.
Five (5)-Day Notice – If at any time you should receive a 5-Day Notice (Registered Mail), contact Management
immediately at (734) 641 5124 and report the reason for your absence. Also, get the name of the person to whom you
are reporting. This applies even if you are on a medical leave of absence. Should you fail to properly respond to the 5Day Notice you can be terminated as a 10-Day Quit. For those employees with less than six months seniority, you may
be terminated if you are absent for three consecutive days. This is called a 3-Day Quit.
Medical Leaves of Absence
Report to the Labor Relations Office for leave when disabled, at (734) 641-5124.

  • In order to report a medical leave of absence contact Sedgwick at 1-844-601-4629.

If you have any questions concerning insurance, contact your UAW Benefits Representative (734) 467-0039.

In-Plant Injuries

  • Immediately report all accident and injuries to a member of management and to the Medical Department for
    evaluation and future treatment if necessary.

Record the date and witnesses of accident or injury for future reference.

Report injury to the Workers Compensation Representative.
o Failure to comply with the above may result in an occupational injury being considered personal with a
loss of compensation.

Pay Shortages
The member of management responsible for your home DROT has the responsibility to correct any errors regarding pay


Absenteeism Procedure on Discipline
The Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly reaffirms its policy of being fair and reasonable in imposing discipline
for absenteeism with the effort to correct rather than punish employees. To ensure this policy, no discipline will be
implemented until the following factors, are taken into consideration. Each disciplinary case will be determined on an
individual basis taking into account such factors as the seriousness of the offense, disciplinary record, frequency of
absentee penalties, and seniority.
All employees who have been absent from work and bring in an excuse for the period of absence (other than absence
due to an approved medical leave), will be given a copy of the excuse.
If disciplinary action is contemplated, this copy (or the original) can be produced at the hearing if requested or presented
by the employee or his District Union Representative.
Daily Manpower Count
When requested by the District Union Representative, the appropriate member of management will tell the Union
Representative the number of employees working under his supervision.
Employees Reporting Late for Work
Prior to sending an employee home, who reports for work in excess of one (1) hour late, the following factors will be
taken into consideration:

Past attendance record

Legitimacy of excuse as outlined in past Umpire Opinions on acceptability

Operational needs which may cause multiple movements of manpower

Perfect Attendance
The Company agrees to fund perfect attendance awards through Company guidelines. This will take place on an annual
The Company and the Union recognize those employees of Michigan Assembly who consistently report for work. These
employees inevitably contribute to lower cost and higher quality products. On behalf of Ford Motor Company, the
Michigan Assembly Plant Management in conjunction with the Union Leadership plan to provide employees who have
perfect attendance for calendar year recognition within corporate guidelines.
Personal Day Agreement Plan
It is mutually agreed between Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Operations, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly,
and the International Union, UAW, Local 900, on March 1, 2011, at Wayne, Michigan, that the following provisions
will govern the Personal Day Plan Agreement.
The Company and the Union realize that a program for scheduling personal days off must be effectively used in order to
maintain a positive employee relationship and maintain productivity. It is understood that on occasion, a need may exist
for employees to be excused for personal reasons. The guidelines below will clarify and facilitate requests for personal
time off, and is not intended for employees to abuse the privilege of personal days or for Manufacturing Leadership to
use it for punitive reasons.
Employees will be able to view a calendar that shows days available for excused absences. The employee will submit a
personal day request form and a member of management will review and determine if the day is to be granted. Upon
review of personal days granted, if the member of management and the District Committeeperson come to an impasse,
a senior member of management will be called for assistance. Consideration for personal days will be given on a firstcome first-serve basis; however, the primary controlling factor for granting personal days will be the merits of the
employee’s attendance record.


Employees who are granted a personal day off will forfeit that day if they are absent for any reason, other than death in
the family, from the time they are granted the day until the actual day they were originally scheduled to be off.
The Company agrees that no employee’s personal day shall be cancelled without prior consultation with the area
Paid personal day off requests will have precedence over unpaid personal days. Any employee requesting personal time
off must first use paid personal time prior to being granted unpaid personal time. Unpaid personal days may be granted
at Management discretion and in accordance with the National Agreement. Unpaid personal days will be based upon the
requesting employee’s record.
The Company agrees that vacations or paid personal days will be allocated and scheduled up to 10% of the RTO
in a process coaches’ zone. To avoid excess absenteeism in a group, each group will be allowed at least one (1)
vacation or paid personal absence slot per day. Where remaining vacation or paid personal slots for the zone are
available, a work group that already has one (1) vacation or paid personal absence may allow an additional
vacation or paid personal absence not to exceed the 10 % per process coach’s zone.
The Company agrees that an employee shall be given an answer on their vacation or paid personal day request, if
possible, within twenty-four (24) hours after making the request, at which time the request will be automatically
Personal Leaves of Absence
When employees are granted an authorized personal leave of absence, they will be furnished an approved copy of the
official leave of absence slip at the time the leave of absence is granted. These employees are assured proper coding for
Holiday Pay.
Proper Coding and Keeping of Employees Attendance Records
The Company agrees to keep all records relative to the employee’s attendance properly coded on a daily basis and
available for the Union upon request when any disciplinary action is contemplated by Management or for any reason
concerning the good and welfare of an employee involved such as promotion, etc. In all cases of disciplinary action
relative to attendance, the Union will be furnished a copy of this record upon request. All days uncoded prior to any
hearing will not be considered unexcused and will not be altered to unexcused after nor during the hearing.
The definition of all codes used by the Company relative to attendance will be clearly shown on all attendance records
and DROT’s which will be posted daily at the Manufacturing Leaders desk.
Short-Term Military Duties
Every effort will be made by plant Supervision to accommodate all employees in the military reserves relative to their
need for time off on the Friday prior to their reserve duty weekends. As circumstances dictate, the affected Manufacturing
Leader will be allowed to either grant personal time for the day, or release such personnel early from their shifts to
accommodate this personal requirement.
Vacation Scheduling
The joint parties agree to adhere to the National Agreement on Vacation Scheduling.


Abusive Supervision
It is not the policy of Ford Motor Company, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly, to condone, encourage, tolerate
or support in any way any member or members of supervision, regardless of status, who use the supervisory authority to
abuse, harass, threaten, coerce or intimidate in any way the hourly employees assigned to their supervision or that they
have contact with during working hours.
When it is brought to the attention of Management that there is a violation of the policy herein mentioned, appropriate
corrective action will be taken immediately with the Union, the member of management and Human Resources when
Discharges and 10-Day Quits
Active grievances covering employees terminated will be handled as expeditiously as possible. The Labor Relations
Supervisor and a designated Company representative will set up a special meeting with the Bargaining Committee to
discuss these grievances at a mutually agreeable time.
Disqualifications and Training
In the event it is contemplated that an employee may be disqualified for inability to perform an assigned operation and
the employee would thereby either be removed from his or her occupational group or laid off, the following procedure
will be observed:
No employee will be disqualified without a hearing at which the Labor Relations Supervisor, or designated
representative, and a Plant Bargaining representative will be present.
The Labor Relations Supervisor or his/her designee will evaluate the evidence resulting from the hearing. Necessary
training time will be given if it appears as a result of the evidence at the hearing that the employee needs additional time
to properly perform the operation.
If an employee is disqualified, in any department, he or she will be placed in work available in either Trim or Chassis
Departments, in a non-preferred classification.
Management will not place employees on jobs which they obviously cannot perform. Suggestions from Union officials
will be given due consideration in placement. The disqualification process is not to be used as a disciplinary measure
and will be used only after serious deliberation and attempts to assist an employee to perform.
The following three (3) step process will be used for Disqualification.

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Pre-Disqualification
  3. Disqualification
    First Stage Grievances
    The Company agrees that unresolved first stage grievances not settled in weekly meetings with management be brought
    to the attention of the Area Manager prior to second stage appeal.
    Notification of Disciplinary Action
    The Union will be provided notification of all discipline by the use of the Form # 4600 or equivalent on a timely basis.
    The # 4600 will be completed at the time of the hearing. No verbal warnings will be written on a # 4600 form.
    Procedure to be Followed In Disciplinary Hearings
    The Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly reaffirms its policy of not holding disciplinary hearings without a Union
    Representative present unless an employee waives Union representation. This policy shall be continued except where
    practical measures have failed to secure the services of a Union Representative. The procedure is as follows:
    The member of management desiring to hold a hearing will first call the Committee Room. If the member of management
    is unsuccessful in contacting a Union Representative or leaving a message with a Union Representative, Labor Relations
    7 will be notified and will attempt to contact the Union Representative or a member of the Plant Bargaining Committee,
    upon contacting either of the above, a reasonable time will be allowed for them to appear unless mutually agreeable
    arrangements are made to delay the hearing. In the event it is not possible to contact the District Union Representative
    or a member of the Plant Bargaining Committee, the member of management will wait a reasonable time before
    proceeding with the hearing.
    The Company agrees that all occurrences shall be held in the presence of the District Committeeman.
    All hearings involving a disciplinary penalty of thirty (30) days or more will be held in the presence of Labor Relations.
    The Company agrees that all discipline hearings shall be held within three (3) days of the alleged violation. Any absence
    by the employee will extend the three-day time period. It is agreed that the time limits may be extended by mutual
  4. In addition, Management will not use its right of discipline as a punitive weapon, intimidating measure or for
    retaliatory reasons.
  5. Discipline will not be used or issued for making an example of one employee for threats to others.
    The Company agrees that in certain circumstances, Management and the Union may agree on the need for a twenty-four
    (24) hour cooling off period before holding a disciplinary hearing. If invoked by the Union, it is understood that the 3
    day period for discipline will be extended by one (1) day.
    The Local Union Chairperson, and/or President, will be afforded the opportunity to represent any Union Representative
    subject to disciplinary action.
    Prompt Payment of Grievances
    The Company reaffirms its intention of complying with contractual requirements in the payment of back pay grievance
    awards and furnishing the Union a copy of the pay authorization.
    Time While in a Disciplinary Hearing
    The Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly will continue the policy that an employee shall not lose time while in a
    disciplinary hearing unless it is part of the penalty.


Cafeteria Hours
The Company agrees that the plant cafeteria will remain open to cover all lunch periods during normal production shifts.
Handicapped Parking
The Company agrees to set aside (as close as possible to the hourly entrance gate) an adequate amount of parking spaces
in the hourly parking lot, for employees who for some reason such as injury, illness, etc., have limited walking ability.
Employees requesting handicapped status must be accepted on the recommendation of the Company physician. The
Company agrees to establish a parking permit to be issued by the Company physician. The permit will be temporary for
the duration of the disability where known.
Ice Machines
The Company agrees to furnish ice machines in an appropriate number.
Jumper Cables
The Company agrees to have two sets of jumper cables in Plant Security for employees use in the parking lot to start
automobiles. They will be given to employees after the employee submits proper I.D.
Open House
The Company agrees to have an annual open house.
Parking Lot
The parking lot is provided by the Company as a convenience to its employees. In return, the employees are expected to
contribute to keeping it clean and orderly. Containers will be provided in the parking lot for employees to deposit trash.
The Company will also establish cleaning schedules based upon the need of the lot to be cleaned which under normal
circumstances will be weekly.
In interest of security, periodic patrols will be maintained to discourage theft and vandalism.
Additionally, a designated area of the parking lot, where indicated, will be reserved for “non-Ford” and “non-UAW”
built products. The Company agrees to sternly enforce the agreement of foreign car parking. Signs will be properly
posted and violators will be stickered, booted, or towed. Repeat violations may also subject employees to progressive
disciplinary action.
Pool Car Usage
The Company agrees that all UAW representatives shall be furnished with a Plant pool car when on Joint Company and
Union business, if such a vehicle is available. Representatives can request reimbursement for mileage on their private
vehicles as well, providing no pool car is available.
Preferred Parking
During the course of negotiations, the parties discussed the issue of preferred parking. As a result of those negotiations
it is agreed that only vehicles bearing the Ford name plates will be allowed to park in these areas. It is understood that
violations of this agreement will result in towing of unauthorized vehicles at the owners expense.
Recreation & Charitable Fund
The Company agrees to establish an annual fund for employee recreational and charitable activities and events. The fund
shall not exceed $12,000 per calendar year.
It is understood that the Union will have an annual V-cap drive.



During the course of these negotiations, it was agreed that Appendix S of the National Agreement had been expanded
to incorporate a vast majority of previous local language. Thus, all items not specified in the Health and Safety section
of the Local Agreement are covered under Appendix S – Memorandum of Understanding for the Health and Safety of
employees, as documented in the 2019 UAW-Ford National Contract.
It is not the intent of either the UAW or the Company to diminish the effectiveness of the health and safety process by
elimination of redundant language from this agreement.
Furthermore, both parties agree to implement “Best-In-Class” safety procedures and technology to assure we advance
our Health and Safety processes.
Cooling Bodies
It is agreed that units exiting the paint ovens will have an acceptable external temperature prior to employees having to
work on the vehicle. In the event that units are to be run “short” from an oven, the joint safety team will be notified prior
and an off standard action plan will be developed.
Driving Production Units
The Company agrees that Production Units will not be driven in pedestrian aisles. Exceptions to this require a written
“off standard” procedure, to be jointly approved by the safety department.
Emergency Response Team (ERT)
Recognizing that the safety of our employees is paramount, the Michigan Assembly Site is reaffirming its commitment
to the Emergency Response Team (ERT). The activities of the ERT shall be under the direction of the ERT
Coordinator, along with Shift Captains.
Typically, those employees who are members of the ERT will be in non-production related jobs, thereby allowing
them to freely leave their workstation in the event of an emergency. Ideally members of the ERT will comprise a fair
representation of all departments and shifts including Body, Stamping, Final Assembly and Paint.
The Michigan Assembly Plant Final Assembly operations will reestablish and maintain a minimum of 24 (8 per shift)
and a maximum of 66 (22 per shift) ERT team members. This commitment will be based on the financial capability of
the Corporation, and the willingness of volunteers.
All ERT members are required to attend scheduled meetings, training and maintain their annual certification in order to
remain active ERT members.
Upon completion of the core training, ERT members will receive an identification badge and a means of notification.
It shall be the responsibility of the ERT Coordinators and Shift and Captains to conduct an annual needs assessment to
identify additional training and equipment as necessary.
One ERT Coordinator will be selected from each Bargaining unit. ERT Coordinator responsibilities will include:
developing and facilitating training, equipment inspections and testing, annual ERT needs assessment, recordkeeping
activities, and facilitating communication with ERT members. The ERT Coordinator will be scheduled as needed, off
their regular job assignment to perform ERT specific tasks.
Each shift will elect one Shift Captain. The Shift Captains shall be responsible for facilitating meetings, drills, and
ensuring the maintenance of all rescue equipment during monthly drills.
ERT members will have a monthly meeting/drill for no less than one hour in duration.
The ESSP Representative will participate on the Emergency response team and will be available, in the event post
incident counseling is needed.


Ergonomic Jobs
If a job is rated “Red” by a corporate Ergonomist or by mutual agreement of Management and the Local Ergonomics
Committee (LEC), and a permanent solution cannot be found, the Company agrees not to increase the workload during
the rebalance period if it will further deteriorate the ergonomic rating of the job.
Grinding and Spraying in the Open
The Company agrees that no motorized grinding will be done in the open. Only “pick-up” or spot rough grinding nonlead will be done in the open. The Company also agrees that major panel spraying is to be done in a paint spray booth.
The only spraying outside the booth will be of a minor spot repair nature performed in a ventilated area. Major panels
are defined as fenders, rear quarters, hood and deck lids (both sides). The Company will instruct its Manufacturing
Leaders to enforce this Health and Safety rule with the same diligence as displayed in correcting all violations of the
Company’s Health and Safety rules.
Heat Conditions
The plant will jointly develop a heat stress action plan that will be reviewed yearly and filed with the NJCHS. Any
significant changes to the facility or in process that may affect heat ventilation or cause a buildup of excessive heat in an
area will be reviewed by the joint safety team and (if needed) the action plan modified.
Horns and Whistles
The Company agrees to take the necessary steps to reduce the noise level of whistles and air horns, where the decibels
measure an over-tolerance condition. Complaints will be brought to the attention of the Company Safety Engineer and
the Union Health and Safety Representative for immediate resolution.
Isolated Work Areas
The parties agree that good judgment and a rule of reason should be used when making assignments in remote or
isolated work areas. A safety assessment should be conducted and appropriate precautions will continue to be taken in
accordance with safe work practices. This may include protective equipment, communication systems, personnel
surveillance arrangements, and, as required, adequate support personnel. Individual work assignments that require
support personnel because of the hazards involved should notify the joint safety team and when possible be reviewed
by the joint safety team prior to the work beginning.
Management will not force or condone an employee to work alone in an isolated work area where adequate support
personnel has been deemed necessary to mitigate hazards.
New Employee Safety Training
It is agreed that newly hired employees will receive all mandatory safety training prior to going to work. This will be
incorporated into the Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly’s New Hire Safety/Employee Awareness Training
Program. The training will be accomplished prior to the employee reporting to the plant floor for work. The agenda shall
follow the NJCHS New Hire Training courses.
Post Major Chemical Spill or Fire Air Testing
It is agreed that in case of a major chemical spill or fire, a qualified person will test the air to determine if it is safe to
Roof Work
Non-skilled employees will not be required to perform work on the plant roof.
Unsafe Working Conditions
Employees who believe they are being forced to work under unsafe conditions should discuss the matter directly with
their supervisor as soon as possible.
If the matter cannot be remedied between the employee and a member of management, then the committeeperson
responsible for the area will be immediately notified. Every effort shall be made to resolve safety issues at the base level.
If a mutually agreed permanent resolution cannot be reached, the parties will escalate the concern using the Appendix S


– Safety Issue Resolution Process. If a safety issue exists, an interim corrective action must be immediately put into
placed pending a permanent resolution.
Visitors to the Plant
Vendors are considered plant visitors and must abide by all plant safety procedures and honor all contractual work
arrangements. It is understood that vendors are not allowed to perform any included work (e.g. repair, inspection).
Vendors having other business in the plant must contact a representative from that department as an escort. All vendors
are required to leave the plant upon concluding business with their plant contact(s).
Water Fountains and Work Station Fans
Water fountains and workstation fans throughout the plant will be maintained in proper working order. Water fountains
will be cleaned weekly. Work station fans will be cleaned twice yearly.
Weather Conditions
The Company recognizes its responsibility to maintain clean, safe, and comfortable working conditions for its employees.
In the event of severe cold weather and a malfunction of an outside door or main building heater which causes
uncomfortably cold working conditions, as quickly as possible, the Company will provide an emergency issue of clothing
to keep employees warm until the condition can be corrected. The plant will purchase (at minimum) 2 (two) portable
heater units to help supplement the building units should an issue arise. Indoor areas that have reoccurring cold
temperature conditions, the plant will seek a permanent corrective action to address the problem.
Weekly Safety Steering Committee Meetings
The Union and Company agree to continue the Weekly Safety Steering Committee Meeting. Union and Company Safety
Representatives as well as Department Managers and Maintenance Representatives shall attend.
Working Between Units
The Company agrees that no employee will be required to work between units that are not adequately spaced in
accordance with the published line spacing and no employee will be required to work on or near any rapid transfer or
any transfer where a hazard exists.


Coveralls and Shop Coats
Management will continue providing coveralls and shop coats to all employees as identified on the Job Safety Analysis
Ergonomic Equipment
The Company and the Union recognize that ergonomic equipment (lift assists, lift and tilt tables, flooring, gloves, etc)
will be required in certain areas of Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly. It is mutually agreed that concerns
regarding ergonomic equipment will be raised and addressed in the weekly Joint Health & Safety Meeting.
The Company agrees to designate adequate space for an ergonomic crib for the storage of ergonomic items and
equipment. A sufficient supply of ergonomic equipment will be stocked in the crib.
Gloves will continue to be distributed to employees as determined by the PPE risk assessment. It is not the plant policy
to require any employee to wear gloves that do not fit properly. In addition, the plant will provide gloves in the
appropriate sizes. No employee will be forced to wear re-washed gloves that do not fit, are inadequately washed,
damaged or not repaired.
Paint Coverall Distribution
The Company recognizes its responsibility to provide coveralls or shop coats to employees whose operations require
such protective clothing. Use of shop coats must be approved by the Safety Office. In order to ensure that proper sizes
are available, a supply of coveralls or shop coats in the more popularly used sizes will be maintained. It will be the
responsibility of the coverall attendant to ensure a proper supply of coveralls and shop coats is available before the
start of each production shift. An adequate area will be provided to perform these functions.
Employees who are forced to wait for coveralls which are a reasonable fit, beyond the start of the shift, will not be subject
to discipline before an investigation is conducted by Labor Relations.
The Union will be provided with a copy of those operations authorized coveralls under present operating conditions.
Safety Glasses
Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly agrees to exercise its normal judgment and reasonableness in the
administration of the Company eye protection. Cleaning fluid and paper will be provided for each Manufacturing
Leader’s zone.
The Company agrees that each employee shall be allowed one (1) pair of safety glasses every four (4) months. They will
be issued by General Stores upon written request.
If safety glasses are left at home or lost, a loaner pair may be obtained from Labor Relations after signing a receipt. The
employee will have three working days to return the loaner glasses.
Uniform Liaison
The Company agrees that a representative from the uniform provider will be at the Michigan Assembly Plant – Final
Assembly as needed. The hours will be posted.
Uniform Vouchers
The Company agrees to provide employees with a $150 allotment each year of this agreement for the purchase of
clothing. The vendor of the program will be selected through corporate guidelines. Management will request a list of
vendors that are American and Union made. The vendor shall be selected from that list provided.
It is further agreed that a committee comprised of Union and salaried representatives will be established locally to make
this selection.


During 2010 UAW/Ford bargaining, the parties had numerous discussions regarding the ability of the Michigan
Assembly Plant – Final Assembly to effectively compete as a world class assembly operation. As part of the discussions
the parties agreed to key principles and an action plan that will help to create the culture and operational environment
the parties envision, in a manner that strengthens the job security and long-term viability of the entire workforce.
Key Principles

Engagement and Shared Ownership – at all levels

  • A work environment that fosters shared leadership, joint problem solving and sustainable business decision
  • A collective sense of obligation – to the business, the plant and the people
  • A partnership that values openness and transparency
  • Respect for people, standardized work, versatility and continuous improvement
  • Effective, up-front and ongoing communication at all levels
  • Rapid adopters of continuously improved processes

Plant is managed in partnership with the UAW to empower the workforce to improve business results and enhance
job security

  • Active, engaged and ongoing focus on identifying opportunities to consistently improve competitive business
    metrics in the areas of Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, Morale, Environment and in-sourcing opportunities
  • Operationalize lean production principles (productivity, waste elimination, material flow, and Maintenance
    Operating System)
  • Full implementation of and joint engagement in the Quality Operating System, Health & Safety Operating
    System, and FPS CI/Total Cost
  • Supplier quality audits with joint assessment and correction process per the Supplier Optimization Program
    Action Plan
    The parties will apply continuous improvement principles in order to consistently improve the performance of the entire
    plant. It was agreed to implement a process prior to the launch of the C346 that will include formal lines of
    communication (input and feedback) to and from the hourly workforce, ensuring ideas and concerns are acted upon and
    implemented as appropriate, in an expedient manner; and provide a method for employees to communicate concerns as
    well as ideas for improvement. In addition, the parties will jointly focus its efforts on improving processes and conditions
    that directly add value to the manufacturing operations.
    To achieve these objectives, our Action Plan is to adopt and implement a modified process based on FPS Continuous
    Improvement and other processes identified or suggested by the local parties, subject to approval by the UAW National
    Ford Department and Labor Affairs. This process will support a continuous improvement philosophy that seeks to create
    the highest standards, and to transform our organization’s culture, as we set our primary goal on customer satisfaction.
    The parties had numerous discussions regarding the importance of the UAW/Ford relationship. Over the past several
    years, UAW and Company leadership have responded to continually deteriorating conditions in the global automotive
    industry in a manner that has improved the Company’s competitive business position while addressing the Union’s
    concern regarding job security. These accomplishments have been achieved by the parties’ ability to openly discuss
    concerns and find solutions through mutual respect and problem solving.
    Conflict Resolution
    With this success in mind, the UAW and the Company commit to implement a conflict resolution process that will
    enable the parties to address issues and concerns, whether contractual or not, with a target resolution period of twenty
    four (24) hours.


Loans from Body & Stamping
It is understood that once a unit is released from the body shop, all repairs required will be done by Michigan Final
Assembly hourly-rated employees. This will include all fits, and under no circumstances will Body and Stamping
employees be used to drive units for any reason.
Any violation of this agreement is reason to grieve, based on hours worked. Deviations may be made by mutual
agreement (i.e., split metal, missing parts, cold welds, no welds, etc.).
Loaned Out Employees
When it becomes necessary to loan an employee to another department or a different classification, all available
Associates in the utility occupational groups will be loaned first. If additional loans are required, pool employees will be
loaned based on low seniority. Under no circumstances will a regular operator be displaced. If it becomes necessary to
deviate, the District Committee representative shall be notified prior to loans taking place.
If it is necessary to loan employees from Paint to other departments, pool employees will be loaned first, then Utility
The Company agrees that when a regularly-assigned employee is absent from dock, tug, or parts follow up jobs, the
highest seniority pool employee will fill the vacancy.
The above language is consistent with Article VIII, Section 22(A) of the Master Agreement. Violations of the Agreement
that cannot be resolved by the District Committeeperson and the Manufacturing Leader will be communicated to a
member of management for corrective actions. Continual abuses will be brought to the attention of the Human Resources


Cleaning and Housekeeping
The housekeeping philosophy at the plant is based on the principle of “if you drop it pick it up.” Employees are also
expected to maintain their workstations in accordance with our corporate 5S standards, ensuring they are clean and
organized in the event of a breakdown or gap. It is agreed that no employee will be assigned to regularly sweep.
Cleaning of the Adjacent Buildings
The Company agrees that the respective vendors will clean the following areas twice a week: Multilevel Building, Prove
Out Building, Waste Water Building, Powerhouse Building, and Paint Mix Building.
Locker Room Fumigation
The Company agrees that the locker room shall be fumigated twice yearly, in July and December, with at least one Union
Representative per Company Representative and/or Security Guard in attendance. This will occur providing the plant is in
shutdown mode.
Maintenance of Paint Booths
During other than shutdown periods, booths will be adequately cleaned as needed.
Maintenance Work Requests
The Company agrees that all Maintenance Work Requests (MWR’s) will be acted on within ten (10) working days. In the
event the work is not done the issue will be brought to the attention of the Manufacturing Engineering Manager to be
Manpower Assigned to Clean Lunch Areas
The Company agrees that the inner plant cafeteria tables and floors will be cleaned as required by contracted employees. In
addition, employees will be encouraged to clean off their table.
Paint Mix Clean-Up
As a result of discussions during the 1979 Local Negotiations and reflecting a verbal agreement reached between
Management and the Union concerning special clean-up in the Oilhouse, Oilhouse personnel will perform all clean-up of a
minor nature. In the event of a major spillage, it will be assigned to contracted employees as required.
The Company agrees that an adequate number of seats (mutually agreed to by the Company and the Union) will be placed
in each locker room for clothing and shoe changing purposes, and that adequate ventilation will be provided.
Toilet seat covers will be provided in the main locker rooms. If no abuse occurs, consideration will be given to extending
this service to other areas in the plant.
The Company agrees that the designated cleaning contractor will survey all restrooms on a daily basis to assure proper


Break-In of New Employees for the Multi-Level Operation
The Company agrees to ensure that a new employees assigned to the multi-level operation receives adequate break-in
training. This will be accomplished as follows:
A high seniority, qualified, multi-level employee on each shift will be assigned the break-in responsibility.
The Company agrees that all driving of units off site for storage will be done by multi-level employees and supplemented
by in plant UAW represented employees if needed.
It is understood when it becomes necessary to take units off site for storage, UAW represented employees are to be used
for the delivery and return of all units stored off site.
Because of the vast number of units requiring storage, the UAW and Management agreed to allow a designated vendor
to take the units one way and the UAW represented employees to drive them the other way, or to drive them to their
destination for shipment.
The Union agrees to discuss any issues that may arise if the number of units needing storage becomes too great to be
handled by UAW represented employees alone.
Driver Truck Trailer
The Company agrees that at least 4 hourly employees will be classified as Driver Truck SemiTrailer at all times, of which
2 shall be backup drivers.
The Company agrees that the backup semi truck driver shall be used for driving opportunities on the shift he or she is
assigned to.
The Company further agrees that “hot” air freight, or any other freight or stock in the local area will be picked up and
delivered by the classified driver truck semi-trailer in the Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly except in cases of
extreme emergencies or in case where the classified hourly employees are not available.
It is further agreed that the airport pickup truck will be turned over when it appears to have lost its usefulness. When the
truck needs repairs other than normal maintenance, a salaried representative from MPL will follow the prescribed process
to have the vehicle inspected and repaired if needed. Under normal circumstances, a mechanic will determine the extent
of repairs within four (4) hours. If it appears that the truck will be disabled for forty eight (48) hours or more, a substitute
truck will be acquired within twenty four (24) hours.
Interlock System West Dock and Shipping Dock Doors
The present interlock system that controls the open and closing of the doors on the west dock and the shipping dock will
be maintained in an operable condition.
The panel doors controlling the interlock systems will be securely closed and are to be opened only by authorized
personnel, defined as Security, Maintenance, and Department Superintendents. Unauthorized personnel who open the
doors and interfere with the proper operation of the interlock will be subject to discipline.
Material Handling Discipline
The Company agrees that no employee shall be disciplined for any load they have been instructed by Management or
supervision to not receive check.
Material Handling or Plant Services Recall Rights
The Company agrees that those employees affected by a reduction in force in Material Handling or Plant Services will
have recall rights, unless he/she has accepted a promotional job assignment under the bid system.
The Company agrees that the Material Handling Department shall properly man for production skeleton crews.


Stock Racks
As a result of 1979 Local Negotiations, the Company agrees to intensify its efforts to properly install and maintain stock
racks. Broken pallets and individual small boxes will not be warehoused on the third tier of stock racks. Care will be
taken to see that stock does not protrude into the line working area. This will be the responsibility of Material Handling
Management to see that these provisions are carried out in the areas that they supervise.
Wet or Snow Covered Stock
Assembly stock that is warehoused outdoors will be cleaned of snow and water prior to being linefeed. It is further
understood that no material will be put on linefeed with any foreign material or debris on it.
Winterized Material Handling Equipment
It is the policy of the plant to equip Hi-los and tugs regularly used outside with cabs and heaters for winter operation.
This includes Hi-los and tugs that are regularly assigned to pick up stock and other items outside during cold weather
and bring such items into the plant. Temporary standby winterizing accessories will be available to temporarily equip
any replacement units while a regular unit is out of service.
a. Also, the Company agrees to furnish thermal coveralls for all employees at Multi-Level as needed.
b. Warm clothing will be made available on a spot issuance basis to employees in the event of an unscheduled outdoor
assignment during period of cold weather.

Access to Medical Computer System
Only licensed and qualified personnel shall have access to the (medical) computer system. Under no circumstances will
an hourly employee have access to any (medical) records of this type.
Plant Security Personnel will keep current on first aid practices and C.P.R. (breathing instructions). In addition,
designated salary and hourly employees will receive training in C.P.R. techniques. Members of management will be
continuously trained and educated concerning safety procedures and the need for prompt responses to emergency
In those instances when the Hospital is not open, the following procedures will be in effect:

  1. Signs will be placed on each Hospital door directing employees seeking first aid attention to the Security Office.
  2. A determination will be made at that time as to where the required treatment will be given. This decision will be
    implemented as quickly as possible.
  3. If an employee is physically unable to report for treatment, personnel will be dispatched to pick up the employee.
  4. A plant ambulance properly equipped with oxygen and other equipment recommended by the Ford Medical
    Director has been purchased and will be utilized when this decision appears to be the most prudent course to
  5. When ambulance service is required, the Wayne Fire Department will be called in the first instance. Backup
    service will be provided by one or more commercial ambulance services. This service includes trained personnel,
    oxygen and other equipment necessary to provide efficient and effective emergency service.
    Employees who report to the Hospital for any reason will be given a rotation number, and this rotation will be adhered
    to except in obvious emergency cases.
    Arrangements have been made to insure that employees reporting for “return-to-work” clearance will receive prompt
    medical attention to determine their ability to return to work. In addition, the Company agrees that in the event an
    employee returns from a medical leave after being released by his or her personal physician or other Hospital related
    causes beyond his or her control, that this employee be compensated with all lost pay and not coded absent during all
    time lost.
    The Company agrees that only one signature shall be required on a Medical Placement Form. The signature shall be of
    at least a senior member of management.
    Complaints concerning the administration of the above may be brought to the attention of the Human Resources
    Assignment of Utility Employees on Emergency and Hospital Cases
    The Company will continue providing adequate Utility employees to cover Hospital cases and other situations that may
    arise. An employee, who during working hours, requests a Hospital Pass, will be provided it as quickly as possible.
    The Company agrees that no employee shall wait longer than thirty (30) minutes for a Hospital Pass and maintain the
    current practice for restroom passes.
    If a member of management has difficulty in relieving the requesting employee because of absenteeism or other Hospital
    Pass requests, they will call on their immediate Supervisor for assistance.


If an employee leaves their job to go to the Hospital without being relieved, the situation surrounding his actions will be
thoroughly investigated by Labor Relations and Production Management in conjunction with the Union prior to the
assessment of any discipline.
Job Placement of Handicapped Employees
The Company agrees to the continuation of its policy of utilizing one designated person to work with the Plant Physician
and one of the Union Representatives as authorized under Article VI, Section 6 of the Master Agreement appointed by
the local Chairperson to coordinate the placement of physically restricted and handicapped employees. The past practice
followed in the implementation of this policy will be continued. The Unit Committee will participate in the Worker’s
Compensation Meetings.
Job Reassignment of Medical Leave Returns
As a result of discussions during the 1984 Local Negotiations concerning the reassignment of hourly employees who
return from a medical leave, the Company agrees to the following procedure:

  1. Any employee who returns to work from a medical leave will be assigned to his or her regular assigned job prior to
    going on that medical, except in a case in which the employee is physically unable to do so, or the employee has
    been on repetitive medical leaves in a reasonable period of time, thereby considered of a disruptive nature.
  2. The Company will not reassign any employee whose medical leaves have become of a disruptive nature, unless this
    employee has been so notified in the presence of his or her District Union Representative, of this intention following
    the last medical leave prior to contemplated assignment action.
    Manning of the Medical Facility
    The Hospital will be adequately staffed with physicians and nurses during full production hours. A Plant Physician will
    be scheduled on designated days throughout the week in order to support all production shifts, schedule to be posted.
    These hours will be adjusted in cases of overtime schedules. Coverage at other times will be determined through the
    judgment of the Plant Physician and the Human Resources Manager with due consideration to the type of work to be
    performed and the number of employees scheduled to work at any given time. This decision will be made known to the
    Plant Chairperson who may discuss it with the Human Resources Manager.
    Nurses in the Hospital may enter restrictions from the employee’s personal physician without the employee seeing the
    plant physician. All restrictions are subject to review by the plant physician for clarity and understanding.
    On shifts with one hundred fifty (150) or more employees, the Hospital will be staffed with at least one nurse.
    Medical Leave Listing
    The Company will provide the Union with a weekly listing of the employees on medical leave as of the day the listing
    is prepared.
    Placement and Retention of Occupationally Restricted Employees
    During Local Negotiations, the Union cited problems as a result of placed occupationally restricted employees in
    accordance with Article VIII, Sec. 27(b).
    The Company agrees to the following procedure prior to placing an occupationally restricted employee:
  3. In the event it becomes necessary to place an occupationally restricted employee on a job within his or her restriction,
    the Company will have consultation with the Union preferably with a member of the Bargaining Committee and the
    District Representative in the area in which the employee is being placed.
  4. After consultation and information reveals that there is more than one operation within the department, group or
    plant that the occupationally restricted employee can perform, the employee with the lowest seniority on these jobs
    will be displaced.


3. When an operation is identified that an occupationally restricted employee can be placed on, that employee shall
displace the lowest seniority employee, regardless of shift.
Violation of this agreement will be immediately brought to the attention of the appropriate manager prior to the employee
being placed on a medical leave of absence.
Report of Injuries on Company Property
The Company agrees to make an accident report available to the employee who was involved in an accident (job-related
injury/illness) within two (2) working days of the reported incident.
In order to receive a copy of this report, the employee will be required to submit a signed written request to the Plant
Safety Engineer.
Workers Compensation Placement
The Company agrees that Workers’ Compensation employees will not be used on preferred job assignments, unless their
service dictates. It is understood that in cases of high absenteeism, it may be necessary to use a restricted employee to
cover the job assignment. In these cases, the District Committeeperson will be notified.


(Record Keeping)
Classification Changes
All classification changes, promotional and non-promotional, must have the signature of a Union Bargaining Committee
Overtime Information

  1. Overtime records will be maintained by departments on the basis of names, Global ID numbers, overtime groupings,
    hours available and hours paid. Any abuses or unauthorized changes in hours or keeping of overtime records will be
    brought to the attention of the Area Manager for immediate correction.
  2. The Company agrees to post overtime hours in centrally located positions for all departments on a weekly basis.
    Any claimed violations of the above provisions will be cause for the employee or employees to grieve. This agreement
    shall become effective concurrently with the effective date of the 1999 Collective Bargaining Agreement. In Accordance
    with Article IV, Section 6 of the Master Agreement, pertaining to local overtime agreement, this agreement is signed
    subject to the approval of the UAW and the Labor Relations Staff of the Company.
    Pay Shortage Report
    The Company agrees to implement a weekly report on pay shortages to be reviewed by the Assistant Plant Manager.


Employees in a sub group designated by an asterisk (*) upon a reduction in force, shall revert to their previously held
Recalls will be governed by Volume I, Article VIII, Section 11 (f) of the Master Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Deviation from seniority associated with a reduction in force will be governed by Volume I, Article VIII, Section 16 of the
Master Collective Bargaining Agreement.


It is mutually agreed between Ford Motor Company Vehicle Operations, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly
and the International Union, UAW, Local 900, that the following provisions will govern the Overtime Agreement for
production employees.
The Company fully intends to abide by the provisions of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement concerning the
assignment and equalization of overtime opportunities under Article IV, Section 6 of the Master Agreement.

  1. The Company agrees to repost for mandatory O/T overtime whenever the schedule is broken. It is understood that
    O/T overtime cannot be made mandatory without proper posting. The posting must be displayed on the designated
    plant bulletin boards, and on marquee in the main hallway.

All departments will post in their respective areas along with the designated plant bulletin boards prior to Friday,
when possible.


No employee will be scheduled to work overtime when other employees should be scheduled to work.


Low hours will be used to determine which employees work and seniority will determine which shift the employees
work, but in no case will an employee displace another employee from his regular shift if that employee is scheduled
to work.


Where employees overtime hours are equal, seniority will be the tie breaker.


The Company will not deliberately schedule overtime to conflict with membership meetings of the local Union.


When weekend overtime is available on a traditional 5×8 schedule, a survey will be taken no later than the third
work day. All employees eligible to work will be notified prior to the end of their shift on the fourth work day. Any
changes occurring after the fourth work day will be posted and verbally communicated to employees.
When weekend overtime is available on an AWS schedule, a survey will be taken no later than the second work
day. All employees eligible to work will be notified prior to the end of their third work day. Any changes occurring
after the third work day will be posted and verbally communicated to employees.


On all AWS schedules employees must agree to work one of the first two RDO days in order to be eligible for the
third RDO day. Any deviations will be mutually agreed upon.


During the course of 1999 Local Negotiations, discussions were held on improper administration of overtime. The
Company does not condone such behavior, and any person found to be engaging in such practices may be subject
to appropriate corrective action in accordance with Company policy.

  1. For applicable overtime opportunities employees in the Associate Utility Classification will be surveyed and worked
    before any Associates.
  2. Given the range of work on certain jobs, it is recognized that there will occasionally be overtime opportunities that
    will involve the skills of certain qualified employees. These instances will be mutually agreed upon, with
    consideration for training to improve the versatility.
  3. When overtime becomes available in Final and/or Predelivery and there are needs beyond the base
    classification/OTE group the following order will be used. Where additional needs are required, it will be
    decided by mutual agreement.


MAP Overtime Order by Classification/Overtime Group
Dept. 50 Trim Repair

Dept. 80/50 Inspection

Dept. 85 Inspection

Dept. 50 Trim Repair

Dept. 80/50 Inspector

Dept. 85 Inspector

Dept. 85 Trim Repair

Dept. 85 Inspector

Dept. 80 Inspector

Dept. 50 Team Leader

Dept. 85 QLS Admin

Dept. 85 QLS Admin

Dept. 70 Team Leader

Dept. 86 Inspector

Dept. 86 Inspector

Dept. 85 Team Leader

Dept. 85 IQ Inspector

Dept. 85 IQ Inspector

Dept. 86 Upfitter

Dept. 81 Torque Inspector

Dept. 81 Torque Inspector

Dept. 50 Trim Utility

Plant Wide SPC

Plant Wide SPC

Dept. 70 Trim Utility

Dept. 83 Garage Utility

Dept. 85 Pre-Delivery Utility

Dept. 85 Pre-Delivery Utility

Dept. 80 Chassis Utility

Dept. 85 Team Leader

Dept. 80 Tire Utility

Dept. 83 Garage Utility

Dept. 85 Pre-Delivery Utility

Dept. 80 Chassis Utility

Dept. 80 EOL Elec Rep

Dept. 80 Team Leader

Dept. 80 Tire Utility

Dept. 80 General Repair

Dept. 80 Tire Team Leader

Dept. 80 Team Leader

Dept. 80 Team Leader

Dept. 85 Team Leader

Dept. 80 Tire Team Leader

Dept. 80 EOL Elec Rep

Dept. 80 Tire Team Leader
Dept. 83 Garage Utility

Dept. 80 Driving

Dept. 85 Driving

Dept. 80 Chassis Utility

Dept. 80 Driver

Dept. 85 Driver

Dept. 80 Tire Utility

Dept. 85 Driver

Dept. 80 Driver

Dept. 83 Garage Utility

Dept. 85 Pre-Delivery Utility

Dept. 80 Chassis Utility

Dept. 83 Garage Utility

Dept. 86 Upfitter

Dept. 80 Tire Utility

Dept. 80 Chassis Utility

Dept. 85 Trim Repair

Dept. 85 Pre-Delivery Utility

Dept. 80 Tire Utility

Dept. 85 Team Leader

Dept. 50 Trim Utility

Dept. 50 Trim Utility

Dept. 85 Pre-Delivery Utility

Dept. 70 Trim Utility

Dept. 70 Trim Utility

Dept. 50 Trim Repair

Dept. 80 Team Leader

Dept. 85 Team Leader

Dept. 80 Tire Team Leader

Dept. 80 Team Leader

Dept. 85 Team Leader

Dept. 80 Tire Team Leader

Dept. 50 Team Leader

Dept. 50 Team Leader

Dept. 70 Team Leader

Dept. 70 Team Leader

Dept. 86 Upfitter



  1. All overtime hours worked will be charged to the employees based on hours paid and applicable premiums.
  2. Employees will be charged all applicable overtime hours for weekday and weekend opportunities including up to
    twelve (12) hours for refusals.
  3. The Company agrees to strictly adhere to low O/T hours when offering O/T opportunities, except in the case of
    extreme emergencies. But in all cases where weekend O/T is available the low O/T hour rule will be absolute. Upon
    notification of weekend violations, the Company will have ten (10) days to remedy the violation with scheduled
    weekend overtime, failure to do so will result in the grievance being payable upon the 11 th day.
  4. When there is a need to contact employees at home for an overtime opportunity for certain situations such as
    absenteeism, last minute needs, or other mutually agreed upon scenarios, the company will contact the plant
    Bargaining Committee to review such scenarios before calls will be made. The company must make an effort to
    directly contact an employee by using the telephone number on file. If the company fails to make direct contact with
    the employee, the employee has no rights to the overtime offered, and is not charged as an overtime refusal. If
    company does make direct contact with the employee and they refuse the overtime, the employee will be charged
    accordingly. The company must provide documentation of call logs for the scenarios as listed above.
  5. Any employee accepting weekend O/T and not reporting shall be charged double after the first occurrence and triple
    after the second occurrence and thereafter, up until they are high hours plus one (1).
  6. All overtime won through the grievance procedure will be recorded on the basis of hours paid.
  7. Loaned employees will be charged such overtime hours paid on the overtime list in the employee’s regular
  8. No O/T will be charged without a signed survey. Additionally, the offer for such O/T must be made prior to one (1)
    hour before the respective shift ends in coordination with the National Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is
    understood that those employees off on the day that O/T becomes available shall be charged in accordance with the
    local agreement, if their O/T hours dictate that they could have worked, with the only exception being those
    employees absent due to bereavement, jury duty, short term military duty.
  9. No O/T will be charged for Company sponsored and joint training performed on overtime during weekday and
    weekends (examples: FPS, QOSC, ESSP, Ergo, Safety, etc.).
  10. No overtime hours shall be charged to an employee who turns down overtime unless there is eight (8) hours between
  11. The Company agrees that overtime refused will only be charged to an employee if the work offered falls within the
    duties of that employee’s OTE group. In cases where supplementation is required, employees eligible and asked to
    perform the supplemental work will be charged for overtime refusals.
  12. Where partial crews are required during vacation shutdown periods, layoffs, and corresponding weekends, work will
    be offered by seniority, by OTE group. Where overtime is contemplated during these periods, it will be included as
    part of the survey. Such overtime will be scheduled for employees electing to work by low overtime hours.
    Employees who are offered and decline to work such periods will be charged for the appropriate hours if they
    otherwise would have been scheduled to work.



  1. Overtime will be equalized by groups as defined in the OTE groups section. OTE groups will be fluid and
    change through time by mutual consent of Management and the UAW.

The overtime spread will be established at no greater than twenty-five (25) hours. It is understood that each
employee in an equalization group must be maintained within a twenty-five (25) hour spread from top to bottom
and equalization grievances will be paid based on the established practice. On an AWS schedule, C-Crew will
also have twenty-five (25) hour spread.


The procedure to roll back hours will be as follows:

All departments will be given a weekly overtime run highlighting all current imbalances and
A monthly review of overtime imbalances and grievances will be conducted by Superintendents.
Beginning the weeks of June 1st and December 1st all overtime spreads and grievances will be met on
and successfully dispositioned before any zeroing of overtime hours occur.
The Company, after completion of the above, will then revert to zero and repeat the process biannually.


New hires and rehires will assume the high hours in the classification within the department.


Employees bumping or transferring to another shift will retain his or her overtime hours within the department.


An employee who is changing equalization groups will be assigned the average overtime hours of the new
group. In the event an employee accepts a promotional job, and his/her hours are higher than the high hour
person in the new group, he/she will be assigned the high hours plus one (1) of the new group.


It is understood that the Company has an obligation to equalize overtime between shifts.


Where applicable, in an effort to equalize overtime, an afternoon shift start time will be implemented to assure
proper overtime opportunities for 3rd shift Material Handling employees.


Equalization of overtime at the Multi-Level area will remain the same; employees with temporary restrictions
who are placed on the shuttle bus will carry all hours worked back to the loaning group. Weekend shuttling
overtime will be offered to all Multi-Level employees based on low overtime hours.

  1. Employees reinstated from approved leaves will assume midpoint hours. Labor Relations will adjust hours upon
  2. Adjusting an employee’s overtime hours outside of the above language will require the signature of a UAW
    Bargaining Committeeperson and a MPS or higher.
  3. If operating on an AWS (Three Crew) pattern the following will apply:


The company will make every, reasonable, effort to equalize overtime by overtime equalization group
for C-Crew, however, C-Crew employees will equalize amongst the other C-Crew employees within
their equalization group.
Employees on C-Crew will continue to be charged overtime as prescribed in the Production Overtime


Overtime Coordinators roles and responsibilities (as it relates to both paper and electronic surveying) are as follows:

On Monday of each week, the Overtime Coordinator(s) will:
o Initiate a survey form for the employees in each overtime group to indicate their availability for overtime
that becomes available in that overtime group through the following Tuesday.
o Review all DROTS to verify accuracy of overtime paid and charged.

Canvas employees when requested by Management.

Collect surveys (e.g., down week, overtime, and holiday).

The Overtime Coordinator will keep weekly records of employees working and refusing overtime and verify it
against the following Tuesday’s overtime run.

Upon completion of the weekly overtime survey, the Overtime Coordinator will supply Management and the
District Committee with a list of employees requesting overtime for that week.

Original documents will be retained in the appropriate department Management’s office with both the
Coordinator and Labor Relations also keeping a copy.
o Management will use this list to schedule and charge overtime as appropriate.
o Meet with Management to develop and post overtime schedules.

Maintain overtime records and store the information on the share drive according to the company’s retention

Work in conjunction with the Management or an appropriate designee for all scheduling including production
down weeks, holidays, weekend, and vacation shutdown schedules.

Distribute and post weekly overtime records.

The Overtime Coordinator and Management will review the overtime records during the weekly overtime
meeting to verify the overtime worked and charged is correct.

Maintain communication and ensure continuity and adherence to the overtime process among the Overtime
Coordinators across all shifts/crews.

Apply technology advancements as it becomes available.

If the overtime workload changes significantly, or the operating pattern changes, the parties agree to jointly
re-evaluate the additional coordinator position.

It is further understood that any clerical/administrative errors created by an hourly overtime coordinator will
not result in an overtime grievance and the appropriate steps will be taken to correct the error.


It is mutually agreed between the Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Operations, Michigan Assembly
Plant – Final Assembly, and the International Union, Local 900, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final
Assembly Unit, on March 22, 2024 at Wayne, Michigan that the following provisions will govern the
exercise of seniority administration for the Wayne Assembly Plant and Michigan Assembly Plant –
Final Assembly Production Units.



Both parties recognize that there are only three main non-skilled classifications. In order to fairly and equitably facilitate
implementation of overtime equalization, job promotions, and shift preference it is mutually agreed that the floor will be
divided into different departments, classifications, and areas as listed above. As stated in the overtime agreement these groups
may change by mutual consent of the UAW and Management.

Article IV, Section 4(a) – Relief
The Company fully intends to fulfill its relief obligations as outlined in Article IV, Section 4,
Sub Paragraph A. Any abuse of this provision should be brought to the attention of the Labor Relations Supervisor or the
Human Resources Manager so that effective corrective action can be taken. A thorough investigation will be conducted
before any discipline can be administered.
When an employee is subject to discipline because there was a violation of the relief procedure, due consideration will
be given by Production Management and Labor Relations in conjunction with the Union to the circumstances affecting
the employee’s action before any decision on discipline is made.
Booth Technician
The new paint facility at the Michigan Assembly Plant will incorporate fully flexible robotic automation. Booth
Technicians, trained manual sprayers, are still required to backup down equipment, handle minor maintenance on
manual spray guns and to oversee some of the paint application. As such, one qualified Booth Technician per booth
per shift and one backup Booth Technician per shift will be incorporated to handle the following:
Booth readiness prior to shift start.
Booth environment tracking and reporting.
Keeping current on spraying techniques.
Spraying for down equipment.
Monitoring overall paint finish quality.
Training new Booth Technicians.
Miscellaneous administrative duties.
Monitor paint film build requirements with the process engineer.
Changing overspray covers on the robots.

Buying Relief and Working through Lunch
The Company agrees that working through lunch or relief won’t be allowed. Violations will be brought to the attention
of the Assistant Plant Manager. The Company does not condone employees beginning their work prior to their scheduled
start time.
Control of Line Speeds
A qualified Engineer will be available on the #2 and #3 shift for the purpose of checking and controlling line speeds.
Job Changes
The Company agrees that all standards shall be set on the day shift. It is further agreed that all trials will be done on the
day shift except where scenarios require significant disruption to the layout or allocations. In these instances the Company
and UAW may mutually agree to carry the trial over and through the off shifts. In addition, to insure that the #3 shift
operator gets proper training, work can be sent to that shift simultaneously after consultation with the UAW Standards
Representative. The Company will make every effort to have the job up and running within five (5) days. Work performed
on #3 shift will not be considered when establishing a standard.
It is understood that once a job is signed off, it will not be revisited until the next 120-day period.
The Company agrees that a member of the Rebalance Team or associated member of Management will discuss potential
changes to jobs with current ergonomic fixes and/or issues on it with the Company and Union ergonomic representatives
prior to implementing any changes on that job.

The Company agrees that all man cooling fans and QA lights will be moved at the same time a job is moved.
Marking of Units
Only classified Inspectors will mark units.
New Job Training Period
It is the Company’s intention that an employee who is assigned to a new operation will be given a training period of a fair
and equitable duration. Abuses of this policy will be brought to the attention of Labor Relations and Production
Management whenever they occur.
Additional training time will be given if it appears as a result of the investigation that more time is needed because the
employee has shown a good attitude and a sincere desire to learn the job.
Notice to Union of Production Schedule and Mix Accessories
The Company reaffirms its intentions of abiding by the provisions of Article IV, Section 4, of the
Master Agreement. The letter from Mr. Malcolm Denise to Mr. Ken Bannon of September 18, 1964, and the December
6, 1963, strike settlement agreement, concerning assembly plan procedure for early warning and mix control. The
information transmitted to the Manufacturing Leader regarding anticipated adverse mix is available for the Union
representative’s review at the mix control stations in the plant.
If the Union contends that unit mix or spacing is a problem when discipline is contemplated, an adequate review will be
conducted of the mix situation before and after the problem mix. The Company and the Union will discuss the findings
prior to any disciplinary action.
Prep Time
Employees receiving preparatory time will receive preparatory time according to the following schedule, subject to the
continuation of current operating conditions.
Total Time
Sanders Wet, Hand
and Machine ………………………. 12 Minutes

Paint Repair
(where applicable) ……………….. 18 Minutes

Polisher………………………..12 Minutes
Group Leader
(where applicable)……………..18 Minutes
Surface Repair Technician
(where applicable)……………..18 Minutes
Booth Technician
(where applicable)……………..18 Minutes

Production Standards
New hires will not be placed on an operation where production standards are in dispute.


The Company agrees that an employee will not be subject to poor and careless workmanship and failure to put forth
proper effort discipline on jobs in dispute under the Kansas City Procedure during the 120 day and new model launch
Relief shall be scheduled commensurate with the number of hours scheduled. However, whenever possible, relief will be
adjusted to provide the proper relief when schedule changes are made. The Company recognizes the desirability of
scheduling relief so as to provide relief periods both before and after the lunch period.
Relief employees will be utilized for relief purposes except for the period specifically excluded by the master agreement.
First consideration will be given to the senior Utility employee who desires assignment to an open relief Utility position
in the zone.
When the regular Repair or Utility employee is absent, the highest seniority non-relief Utility employee, able to perform
the work, will be assigned as the replacement. Additionally, in the event the plant shuts down for relief, the regular relief
employee shall be added to the determination.
In addition, in the case of absence of the regular assigned relief Utility employee, the next highest seniority Utility
employee, whenever practicable, will be used during this period to perform those duties.
The Company agrees that in the event of the absence of the Group Leader upgrade the high seniority non-relief Utility
employee in the zone will be used for that replacement in the event the plant shuts down for relief the regular relief
employees will be added in the determination.
In the event it becomes necessary to combine one or more zones that results in the reduction of relief employees, the
lowest seniority relief employee will be affected.
No Utility employee regularly assigned to relief will be assigned to steady operations except in emergencies while other
Utility employees are assigned to pull his or her relief.
Also, the plant recognizes that the rotation of tag relief is the acceptable practice.
Relief Strings
Under current operating conditions, the Company agrees that relief strings shall not exceed eight people and the relief
operator. This shall not preclude any agreements made on the national level.
Special Relief
Employees required to enter the paint booth to spray will receive nine (9) minutes special relief for each hour they are
required to be spraying in the paint booth.
Taking Built-up Stock for Repair
If it becomes necessary for employees to take an amount of built-up stock significant enough to adversely affect a
operation, the employee who built the stock will notify the zone Manufacturing Leader who will give assistance to the
affected operation.
Work Assignments
Regular work assignments within the Specialist classification will be made consistent with OT Equalization Groups.


It is mutually agreed between Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Operations, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly
Unit, and the International UAW, Local 900, on March 22, 2024 at Wayne, Michigan, that the following provisions will
govern the exercise of promotional job posting.
It is mutually agreed between the proper representatives of the Ford Motor Company, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final
Assembly and the UAW, Local 900, in accordance with the promotional job posting provisions of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement that the following procedure shall be applied:

  1. When an hourly rated job opening is expected to be filled by promotion, a notice of such opening signed by the
    Human Resources Department and Local Bargaining Committeeperson will be posted on a bulletin board in the main
    hallway in the Administration building, showing the current date of posting and the date of removal.
  2. A copy of the notice will be given to the Union and Human Resources of the completed posting at the end of the
    posting period.
  3. The notice will specify the number of openings, the classification titles, shift and department in which the opening
    exists and list of special qualifications and requirements.
  4. On a traditional 5×8 schedule employees shall have three (3) working days from the date that the opening is posted
    to sign the posted notice indicating his or her interest in the job. On the fourth (4th) day, the posting will be taken
    down. No additional names may be added to this posting unless these additional names consist only of those
    employees who were not at work during the three (3) day posting period for legitimate reasons, i.e. vacation, medical
    leave, personal leave, bereavement, etc., and only if the job opening has not been filled during the employee’s absence.
    On an AWS schedule employees shall have five (5) working days from the date that the opening is posted to sign the
    posted notice indicating his or her interest in the job. On the sixth (6th) day, the posting will be taken down. No
    additional names may be added to this posting unless these additional names consist only of those employees who
    were not at work during the five (5) day posting period for legitimate reasons, i.e. vacation, medical leave, personal
    leave, bereavement, etc., and only if the job opening has not been filled during the employee’s absence.
    This language only applies to internal plant postings.
    The Bargaining Committeeperson or their designated representative and a Human Resources Representative will be
    given a dated and completed copy of this posting for their review.
  5. When a position becomes available for an Associate in a preferred department or a specialist job in any department a
    senior member of management and the District Representative will meet and review the record of all applicants. To
    reaffirm the principles established in Article IV, Section 2(a) of the Master Agreement, selections for promotional
    postings will be based upon merit and ability. Where these are equal, the applicant with greatest seniority will receive
  6. When a position becomes available for a team leader the high seniority employees who have signed the posting will
    go through the team leader selection/orientation process as defined in this contract.
  7. The Company shall have the right to fill such openings temporarily. Experience gained by an employee placed on a
    job under the terms of this paragraph shall not be considered in the filling of such openings.
  8. An employee selected for promotion under this procedure shall be placed on the job within a reasonable period of
    time consistent with operating requirements but not longer than ten (10) working days. Exceptions to this rule may
    be mutually agreed upon.


9. In addition, the Associate level positions in the preferred departments understood as Paint, MPL, and Pre-Delivery
will also require a posting.

  1. Entry into the specialist classification in these preferred departments will first be chosen from the current Associates
    and then the position will be offered plant wide.
  2. Openings for Inspection OTE Groups will be posted in the same area but will be specifically identified as plant-wide
  3. In accordance with Article IV, Section 2(a), of the Master Agreement, pertaining to local promotional job posting
    Agreements, this Agreement is signed subject to the approval of the National Ford Department of the UAW and the
    Labor Affairs Staff of the Company.
  4. The Company will consider Union requests before filling secondary job openings.
  5. If 51% or more of an employee’s operation is transferred from one department to another, the employee will have the
    option to move with the operation or exercise his seniority rights in his base department.

Eligibility of Job Openings
The Company agrees that anyone accepting or refusing a job opening will not be eligible to bid on further openings for
six (6) months.
The above rule does not apply to any employee that accepts a job for a preferred posting and management deems them
unfit for the role prior to classification.
Filling Open Assembly Positions
It is understood that when a base opening occurs within a process coach’s zone the Company will survey the existing
pool employees within that process coach’s zone, and assign the high seniority pool person who is able to perform the
operation and expresses an interest in the open job except in cases where the Company and UAW mutually agree to
discuss legitimate placement issues as they arise. In the event all surveyed employees in the pool refuse the open base
operation the company will place lowest senior employee with the least versatility (as defined by the inability to perform
at least 5 (five) standard jobs). The company and union must mutually agree that the versatile employee meets the
requirements and that the assigned operator has been given reasonable opportunity and time to learn the minimum number
of required jobs.
In addition, an employee selected for a job under this procedure shall be placed on the job within a reasonable period of
time consistent with operating requirements, but no longer than ten (10) working days. Exceptions to this rule may be
mutually agreed upon.
Any employee wanting another base operation in their zone must voluntarily give up their job and remain in the pool for
thirty (30) days prior to becoming eligible for another base operation (non-posted jobs).
Manufacturing Leaders Returning to the Hourly Workforce
The Company agrees that a Manufacturing Leader returning to the hourly workforce will revert to the lowest base rate
classification in the department he or she last worked in. It is further agreed that no one returning from supervision will
be allowed to revert to the paint shop or any other preferred area. Further, a tradesperson will be allowed to revert to
his/her original classification in their base unit.
Paint Mix Kitchen Postings
All future openings in the Paint Mix Kitchen shall be posted department wide as a closed posting to the paint shop.
Prove Out Building
Any additional openings at the Prove Out Building shall be posted in the base departments and selections will be made
with regard to the type of work to be performed.


Quality Department Team Leader Posting
When an opening occurs for a Team Leader position in the Quality Department the following order will apply for

  1. Employees currently in the Quality Department
  2. Trim (Department 50) Team Leaders
  3. Trim (Department 50) Employees Only
    Reducing New Employees Taking a Posted Job
    The Company agrees that employees assigned to a classification as a result of the posting and are reduced by a
    Management decision within thirty (30) days, shall be reassigned to their previously held job.


Material Rework
The Company agrees that all rework on all materials received by the Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly shall
be done by Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly hourly employees where feasible, or approved by the Bargaining
Outside Contractors and Vendors
The Company agrees to abide by the national language contained in Article IV, Section 8, of the Master Agreement, and
the October 9, 1999 Letter of Understanding of the Master Agreement, in regards to outside contractors and on-site
vendors. Any violations are reason to grieve.
Quality Control
Identified Classifications (Inspector, Repair, and Team Leader) will utilize the QLS “Buy Off” system. Any deviations
must be mutually agreed upon.
The Company agrees that computer input concerning receiving inspection work shall be done by hourly employees.
“Honor Buying” by employees will not be allowed. If an employee doesn’t see the repair or can’t visually see an item,
they shall not be compelled to buy it.
During negotiations, the Union expressed significant concerns as to how floor supervision responds to quality concerns,
specifically Delta elements. The Company is committed to the strict adherence to the applicable operating procedure for
torque integrity assurance. In addition, the Company recognizes it’s responsibility to follow the guidelines specified in a
circulated letter titled “Mandatory Containment and Prevention Action Control Strategy” dated December 22, 2005.
Alleged violations of either process will be reviewed immediately by the responsible Department Manager and the
Quality Manager.
Rework or Inspection
The Company agrees that no supplier or contractor shall perform any work or inspect any part or material after it is put
on a production unit. Furthermore, no contractor or supplier will perform any sorting or rework outside of the IQ staging
area. All lineside rework and sorting will be performed by Michigan Assembly Plant hourly employees. It is understood
that vehicle inspection is the responsibility of the Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly employees.
Non-Union suppliers may only be allowed in the plant upon mutual agreement of Management and the Unit Committee.
Exceptions may be made with the approval of the Unit Committee and the Manufacturing Manager.
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Employees classified as Specialist (SPC) shall select shift preference within their SPC OTE group.
Employees assigned to SPC and FPS shall be retained on those duties full time with the exception of extreme emergencies,
(i.e. plant being sent home because of attendance related issues).
The Company agrees that in the event a regular SPC employee is off, a trained and fully qualified employee shall be used
as a replacement.
Traditional Work
The Company agrees that an Associate will not be used to do work traditionally done by an employee classified as a
Specialist and in an inspector OTE group, or repairs that take specialized End of Line (EOL) Vehicle Electrical
Repair training. It is understood that in cases of high absenteeism, it may become necessary to use Associates to inspect.
In these cases, an Associate out of the utility OTE group will be used. Deviations may be made by mutual agreement.


Assignment of Employees to Pre-Delivery
When assigning employees to Pre-Delivery to fill job openings from a given OTE group, first consideration will be given
to qualified seniority employees currently in that OTE group in question, who indicate their desire for such transfers as
outlined below:

  1. Selection of employees will be by surveying those currently in that OTE group in the departments from the highest
    seniority to the lowest. Placement of any disabled employee will be done in accordance with the provisions of the
    Local Agreement.
  2. If at the conclusion of the surveys, no employees choose to make such a transfer, a plantwide posting will be made
    and seniority employees, regardless of department, group, or classification will be given the opportunity to transfer
    to the department.
  3. No employee’s classification or OTE group will be changed after being assigned to Pre-Delivery unless the opening
    to be filled has been refused by seniority employees in the base department.
  4. When there are temporary fluctuations in work assignments in Pre-Delivery, the employees affected will be
    reassigned to other work in the Department, whenever possible.
  5. The Company agrees that low seniority employees will not be assigned to preferred jobs. If there are issues not
    handled by a member of management, the Area Manager shall resolve the situation.
    In response to the Union’s request concerning backfilling job assignments in Pre-Delivery, the Company agrees in
    principle to offering the open positions(s) to employees in similar OTE groups from the base departments.
    Also, management agrees that when there is a difference in rates between the two job classifications, the highest rate will
    be paid.
    This does not restrict Management’s right to assign across classification lines in cases of emergency, manpower shortages
    due to absenteeism, or any other situations that may arise, until such causes can be corrected.
    Department or Group Changes
    The Company agrees that no employees’ department or group will be changed without the signature of a Bargaining
    Committeeperson and a Labor Relations Representative.
    Utility operators will be reduced by seniority in the group where qualifications and ability are equal.
    Those employees regularly assigned to the General Supervisor’s absenteeism pool will be given the Utility designation
    where they are regular, and purposely assigned to a variety of jobs where a relatively high degree of versatility, knowledge
    and dependability are required.
    Tie Breaker
    During local negotiations, the subject was discussed on the problem of many employees with identical dates of plant
    seniority. The Company and the Union agree to the following:
    In cases where there are one or more employees of identical dates of plant seniority that are subject to a temporary layoff
    or reduction in force, employees with the greatest Company seniority will be considered senior. In the case of employees
    who have the same plant seniority and no additional Company seniority, the employee with the lowest four (4) Social
    Security digits will be considered senior.


On this 15th day of September, 1990, at Wayne, Michigan, it is mutually agreed between Ford Motor Company, Wayne
Stamping and Assembly Operations, Assembly Unit, hereinafter designated as the Company and the International Union,
UAW and Local 900, hereinafter designated as the Union, pursuant to Article VIII, Section 16, (d) of the Master
Agreement between the parties is as follows:

  1. All employees laid off from the Wayne Assembly Plant, Michigan Assembly Plant, and the Integral Stamping and
    Assembly Operations, shall be considered on a common recall list.
  2. Job openings in the units at the Wayne Assembly Plant, Michigan Assembly Plant, and the Integral Stamping and
    Assembly Operations shall be filled by recall from the list specified in Section l, above, except that deviations may
    be made for the purpose of recalling junior employees who have previously performed specialized jobs, as determined
    by the Company.
  3. a. The Company will endeavor to place as expeditiously as possible as many employees referred to in Section I as is
    feasible, consistent with the efficient operation of the plants and the operation referred to in Section 1.
    b. Such employees will be placed on work in any job classification (excluding skilled classifications and preferred
    jobs) which they are qualified to perform in any of the units referred to in Section 1, as determined by the
    c. The Company shall determine the jobs on which such employees shall be placed and the order in which such
    employees shall be placed
    Pursuant to Section 3 above:
  4. a. Employees with fifteen (15) or more years’ seniority will be allowed to displace employees with less than fifteen
    (15) years’ seniority.
    b. Employees with ten (10) or more years’ seniority, but less than fifteen (15) years’ will be al-lowed to displace
    employees with less than ten (10) years’ seniority.
    c. Employees with six (6) or more years’ seniority but less than ten (10) years’ will be allowed to displace employees
    with less than six (6) years’ seniority.
    d. Employees displaced under subsection (a) and (b) of this Section shall exercise their seniority through the
    occupational group structure applicable to their respective units, except that those employees with less than six (6)
    years’ seniority who are affected by the operation of this Article VIII, Section 11 through 13 of the Master
    Agreement, but shall retain seniority rights in their respective units.
  5. a. The selection of jobs by which employees exercising their rights under Section 4(a), 4(b), and 4(c), shall be placed
    at the sole discretion of the Company.
    b. Employees pursuant to this section shall take all of their seniority to the new unit in which they are placed.
  6. Any claimed violation of this Agreement may be brought to the attention of Management. If satisfactory action is not
    taken, a grievance may be filed in the regular procedure provided in Article VII, Section 3 of the Master Agreement.
  7. This Agreement shall not apply to employees on the medical recall list of the units stated in Section 1.
  8. This Agreement is subject to approval of the National Ford Department, UAW, and the Central Labor Relations Staff,
    Ford Motor Company, and becomes effective upon receipt of written notice of ratification by the Union.
    Temporary Employees
    In the event it becomes necessary to hire temporary employees, the company will follow the guidelines set forth in
    Appendix K of the National Agreement. The Union will be notified in advance if there is a need to hire temporary


It is mutually agreed between Ford Motor Company, Body Assembly Division, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final
Assembly and the International UAW, Local 900, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly, on March 22, 2024, at
Wayne, Michigan, that the following provisions will govern the exercise of shift preference.

  1. The exercise of shift preference will be restricted to seniority employees and will be based on an employee’s relative
    seniority among employees in his OTE group. Seniority standing will be based on an employee’s plant seniority in all
    cases except for employees in Appendix F classifications where seniority will be based on date of entry seniority in
    such classification. In the event there are one or more employees with identical dates of seniority, who are requesting
    shift bump to another shift of their choice or being bumped to another shift not of their choice, the employees with the
    lowest four (4) digits in their social security number will be given preference in either case as outlined above.
    Employees where one or more have identical dates of entry are requesting a bump or being bumped, the employees
    with the greatest plant seniority will be given preference. In cases where both date of entry and plant seniority are
    identical the employees with the lowest four (4) digits in their social security number will be given preference.
    In all cases relative to the last four (4) social security numbers for determining shift preference, means from the lowest
    last four (4) digits to the highest with the lowest prevailing.
  2. Employees may make application for shift change at any time on a form provided by the Company. Shift preference
    sign up will be completed in the Labor Relations Office.
  3. The exercise of shift preference will be accomplished in the following manner:
    a. Shift preference sign up will be made available in the first two (2) full weeks of February, May, August,
    and November.
    b. The Company and Union designees will review the applications for shift preference.
    c. Fifteen (15) employees from each department from those who have made application will be selected to
    make the shift change with the exception of the Final Area Departments where, because of their larger size,
    the number will be thirty-five (35) employees per department.
    d. Within two (2) weeks of the close of each shift preference sign up period, employees will be selected for
    shift change and notified of their shift transfer date.
    e. The Company will use the time following selection to complete any necessary training.
    f. Except in cases of emergency, all shift bumps will be effective the first workday of the employee’s new shift,
    during the first full week of April, July, October, and January.
    g. DROT changes related to shift bumps will be submitted the week before shift transfer to coincide with the
    effective date of the shift transfer.
    h. Shift change training status will be reviewed in the weekly manpower meeting so the Company and Union
    can align on progress and make necessary adjustments.
    i. The Company retains the right to refrain from making shift changes during the four-week period
    immediately following the Job No. 1 new model launch date.
    j. The Company and Union reserve the right to mutually agree to increase the number of employees selected
    to change shifts in any given period so long as a reasonable business case warrants the exception.
  4. Newly hired employees will be assigned to vacancies on the shift on which the vacancies occur.
  5. Seniority employees who transfer into the building will be assigned to vacancies on the shift on which the
    vacancy occurs.
  6. Temporary full or part time employees will not be able to exercise a shift bump. Additionally, temporary full
    or part time employees cannot be bumped to another shift by seniority employees.
  7. The employee’s classification or job will not be changed for the sole purpose of avoiding or affecting a shift change.


8. The principles embodied in Article VIII, Section 28(a) of the Ford-UAW Master Agreement will be observed in the
application of the provisions of this Agreement.
To ensure stability and internal quality metrics during periods of instability (i.e. launch periods, etc.) the parties may
mutually agree to prohibit shift bumps for a specified period of time.

Bumping by Restricted Employees
The Company agrees that occupationally restricted employees will bump like occupationally restricted employees on the
opposite shift.


Irregular Shift Starting Times
The Company agrees that it will not adjust starting times for an employee on a shift as a retaliatory measure, or in order to
avoid a shift bump. It is further understood, that this will apply to individual employees and not entire production zones or
operations. Any alleged violation of this Agreement will be brought to the attention of Production Management.
Lunch Times
The Company agrees that lunch times will not be changed by more than a half (1/2) hour. This will only happen in the event
of a breakdown or if a stock shortage lasts thirty (30) minutes or more. The Company will only move one break or lunch
per shift per day. In the event of the need for an additional change, the joint parties agree to discuss the circumstances
(e.g., parts shortages, machine breakdown, etc.) and mutually agree.
Quitting Times
When the plant is operating on tag relief, the Company agrees to announce quitting time no later than one (1) hour after
the scheduled lunch. Employees are advised to remain on the production line until operations have ceased for the day.
When the plant is on mass relief, the scheduled hours will be posted at the entrances. In cases where the posted
scheduled hours need to be amended, such change would only result in a decrease of scheduled work hours.
The Company agrees to make maximum effort to work announced scheduled hours.
Starting Times
Under current operating conditions, the Company agrees to maintain at least one (1) hour between production shift starting


Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly
Key Roles, Responsibilities, and Tasks

  1. The Team Leader is responsible for ensuring that quality issues are contained within the designated control
    points in the assigned area (e.g. following current quality practices).
  2. The Team Leader will support the resolution of work group concerns by following up on matters of concern
    to the group, including build and quality issues, and be accountable for administrative, systems interface, and
    reporting aspects for the group (including but not limited to maintaining group records, QLS, FIS, QAS,
    Outlook and STMS).
  3. The Team Leader will support FPS principles, tools, and process in order to promote operational goals (e.g.
    safety, quality, delivery, cost, morale, environment, etc.)
  4. The Team Leader facilitates communication within their group, between shifts, and with other work groups as
  5. The Team Leader will communicate with skilled trades.
  6. The Team Leader will communicate between group members and other internal and external support functions.
  7. The Team Leader must be capable of performing all operations within the work group and at times provide
    coverage for group members who are away from the work area (including but not limited to making
    presentations, facilitating group business, etc…).
  8. The Team Leaders will not be used primarily as absentee replacements.
  9. The Team Leader will segregate and tag scrap within operations in the work group and disposition during their
    respective shift.
  10. The Team Leader will support improvements to customer satisfaction. This includes identifying,
    communicating, and addressing abnormalities.
  11. The Team Leader will audit, track, and validate that proper tooling (usage and functionality) and processes are
    followed. This includes but is not limited to completing PJO’s and like processes at the required frequency. In
    addition, it is recognized that open lines of communication with the QOSC on concerns is required.
  12. The Team Leader will be relieved by the tag relief process when and where applicable.
  13. The Team Leader will be responsible for ensuring work group members are properly trained on their assigned
  14. The Team Leader will work with internal and external support functions to maximize job layouts, production,
    safety, and efficiency.
  15. The Team Leader will support all launch build activities, including but not limited to training, build production,
    review work allocations, and work station layout preparation.
  16. The Team Leader will perform startup confirmation tools and processes.
  17. Any minor maintenance activities assigned to a Team Leader will be documented on an OIS or a Minor
    Maintenance Task Sheet.
  18. Other tasks as determined by the group or Steering Committee.
    Team Leader Training will consist of classroom instruction in addition to on-the-job training. Ideal work groups should
    consist of 10 group members to 1 Group Leader. However, where necessary, natural work groups may cause this ratio
    to vary.
    The Team Leader positions will be filled consistent with the Local Agreement and Article IV, Section 2(a) of the
    Master Agreement, “Promotions shall be based primarily upon merit and ability, but where these are equal; the
    employee having the greatest seniority shall receive preference.”
    In order to select the Team Leaders who are willing to fulfill all Team Leader roles & responsibilities, during 2010 local
    negotiations the parties agreed to the following selection process:


Posting Process
The parties agree to use the local posting process which includes the Team Leader roles & responsibilities and a list of
specific job requirements.
Selection Committee
The local selection committee will be comprised of the appropriate District Representative and the department designee.
Initial Screening
Candidates will be screened based on the following:
For initial start up of the plant current Team Leaders
will be automatically selected
Must be willing and able to successfully complete Team Leader training
Disciplinary record
Attendance record

Selection/Orientation Process

  • All qualified candidates for the posted position will be granted an orientation interview
  • The selection committee will meet with the candidates to:
    o Review the roles and responsibilities of the position with the candidates
    o Discuss the expectations of the position
    o Get a sign off from the operator acknowledging acceptance of the above.
    Disqualification Process
    Team Leader Disqualification will be consistent with the procedures set forth in the Local Agreement. Furthermore, if
    necessary, a Team Leader may be disqualified by Steering Committee action.
    Team Leader Training
    During the course of the 2019 Local Negotiations the Company and Union discussed the training of new Team Leaders.
    The Company reconfirmed their commitment to train new Team Leaders per Appendix J of the Master Agreement,
    Volume 1. The parties have agreed to discuss the training and timing of such training for new Team Leaders.
    Team Leader Tools
    The Company agrees to ensure Team Leaders have the required tools and compensated time as appropriate to
    perform their job. Any issues should be escalated to the appropriate member of management.

Training Time
The Company agrees that ample training time will be afforded to #3 shift employees after job changes are implemented and
approved from the #2 shift. 73



  1. Repairs and constructs wooden structures and equipment such as rough forms, platforms, work benches, storage bins,
    office partitions, casings, tables, doors, sheds, scaffolding, concrete forms, counters, ceilings, cabinets, and signs.
  2. Plans and lays out material for the job; selects proper material for the job.
  3. Materials used are wood, wood substitutes, plexiglass and hardware commonly used in carpentry.
  4. Uses a variety of carpenter’s hand and power tools, ladder, sling and scaffolding.
  5. All concrete work.
  6. All reinforcing rods and wire mesh.
  7. All floor repairs (wood block, concrete and epoxy).
  8. Outside crock.
  9. Earth grading and excavating.
  10. Install tile sewers and vitreous crock sewers outside building.
  11. All fences and gates.
  12. All highway guards and post.
  13. All flooring.
  14. Minor Roof Repairs. (Including all materials involved with the repairs)
  15. Remove all wood forms.
  16. All asphalt work, inside and out.
  17. All brick and block work (except boiler fire brick).
  18. All core drilling.
  19. Perform all prep work for painting structures, buildings(inside and out).
  20. Line painting and striping throughout the facility.


Combustion Maintenance Technicians must meet current Ford Standards as set forth in FAS08-150 Combustion
Equipment Lockout, Blanking, Purging and Repair Procedures.
Technician must:

Direct and assess work performed on a combustion system.

Assess potential hazards of a combustion system, evaluating leaks, and taking action accordingly.

Sign Combustion Equipment Isolation Verification Permits during lockout of a combustion system.

Review Energy Control and Power Lockout (ECPL) methods to determine when blanking or capping is

Complete the Ford “Combustion Equipment Knowledgeable Person” training.

Coordinate with PM planner when installing new combustion equipment to label, create PM’s and obtain
safety buyoff.

Coordinate with PM planner to optimize timing and completion of PM’s.

  1. Install, repair, maintain and clean electrical equipment, such as starters, robots, PLCs, lighting (indoor and outside),
    alarms, communication systems, underground and aerial cables or conductors and supports, panel boxes, control
    centers, switchboards, conduit, feed rail pendants, push button stations, transformers (except welding), furnace
    controls, motors less than 1 HP (normally installed by Electricians), limit switches, circuit breakers, electrical solenoid
    valves, electrical equipment for cranes, hoists, fans, switch boxes, pull boxes, electrical welder components where used
    for electrical purposes, time clocks, electrical timing devices, pressure switches, limit switches, thermostat services,
    photo cells, electrical counting devices, batteries for emergency lighting and power, installation maintenance and repair
    of primary electrical components of equipment necessary for welding.
  2. Hoist to position the above electrical equipment where mechanical drifting is not required.
  3. Fabricate, install, repair, replace, remove and maintain the anchoring and the securing devices for the above electrical
    equipment with the exception of bases for motors and pedestal fans, which is done by Millwrights.
  4. Up to ten (10) pound balancers supporting electrical equipment will be changed by Electricians.
  5. Electrical services will be installed, removed and repaired by Electricians such as air conditioning, battery charging
    equipment, and machines that need such cords and plugs.
  6. Electrical components used in building and operation of signs and decorations where electrical energy is used for
    lighting or operation shall be installed, maintained, repaired and removed by electricians.
  7. Robot programs, including step positions will be taught and modified by Electricians. Any functions requiring the use
    of robot teach pendant will be done by Electricians.
  8. Automation programming, including data changes, downloading and uploading of program changes will be done by
  9. Electricians will enter all nomenclature changes and updates on program readouts and ladder diagrams.


10. AC units needing installation of electrical wiring including: switches, solenoids, compressors, relays, capacitors,
heaters, thermostats and etc.

  1. Electricians will be assigned to the power tool crib with the following roles and responsibilities:
  • Receive and enter repair ticket into ToolTracker
  • Tag and document warranty repairs for suppliers to pick up
  • Checking and validating warranty repairs when they are returned
  • Consult with DC tool suppliers on repetitive problems that occur at MAP
  • Diagnosis and repair of electrical components on electric nutrunners
  • Validating electric nut-runner that have been serviced or repaired
  • Documenting the tool cycles and checking for event codes
  • Transfer data from analyzer to ToolTracker
  • Repair clicker wrenches
  • Download tool cycles from EP data to ToolTracker
  • Printing off tool reports such as Tool health charts, and indicates tools are due for PM
  • Recording of any new tools into ToolTracker
  • Install accessories on tools, safety triggers, headlamps etc.
  • Programming/configuring accessories installed on tools
  • Programming/configuring of battery-operated tools
  • Set torque on non transducerized battery tools
  • Set up torque carts for IE engineers for job reallocations
  • Retrieve tools from production that are due for PM or annual verification (Floor and Bench)
  • Respond to calls from production to diagnose failed DC tools on plant floor
  • Replace tools, cables, controllers, and associated equipment on failed DC tool systems on plant floor
  • Respond to call from production to diagnose failed Error Proofing system, (AIS Box, Tracking
  • Repair and/or replace components on AIS boxes on plant floor
  • Programming of DC tools
  • Installation and removal of DC tool systems
  • Installation and programming of scanners
    FIS Coordinator(s)
    Responsibilities to include:

Maintain and Monitor “Bingo Board”

Maintain an adjust the shift pattern in the FIS system

Broadcasting pages thru FIS

Input fault data for new tooling

Add and remove fault data for current tooling

Maintain home page in FIS



  1. Maintain and repair the following listed equipment: Lift trucks (propane or liquid gas motor driven). Drott, Condor
    Lift, Steam Jenny Engine, pickup trucks, dump trucks, and the attached equipment, diesel equipment lift trucks, end
    loaders and tractors, gasoline and propane motor driven floor scrubbers, power sweepers propane or gasoline motor
    driven (minor changing of brushes and brooms may also be done by drivers), Cushman and Kalamazoo vehicles, and
    maintenance welders, and crash wagons and engines on Jaeger or portable air compressors.
  2. Maintain, repair and perform complete overhauls (major or minor) on electrical battery-operated equipment when used
    on westcoasters (including mechanical alterations) griptows (motor truck), stackers, lift-a-lofts, battery operated hi-los,
    Barrett tractor, and battery driven hand trucks.
  3. Perform electrical (including operation of the power Start-All Equipment), and hydraulic repairs, make up hoses, wiring
    that may be needed to complete repair of the vehicles mentioned.
  4. Repair and change tire on any maintenance equipment motor driven plus change oil and grease.
  5. Industrial Lift Truck and Tow Trailer Repairs is also responsible for the charging and maintenance of the industrial
  6. Maintain and PM the Battery Quick Charge Equipment and IVEC systems.


  1. Repair, maintain and machine repair parts for plant machinery and equipment such as: robots, lathes, grinders (pedestal
    and automatic), shapers, milling machines, drill presses, hydraulic press, arbor press, cut-off saws, band saws, semiautomatic lock rod-bushing sub assembly machine, punch press (except dies), variable speed drives, repack pumps,
    tire mounted head, hydraulic units and air cylinders (except on gun welders), air compressors (except powerhouse) and
    vacuum units, hydraulic jack hoists (except those being done by portable tool repair), chain falls and comes along,
    Bostich stapling machine, spline press (except dies), gear drives, grease presses, cluster press (except dies), serial
    stamping machine, cylinders and rollers on dynometer and toe-in machines, puck air cylinder and yoke, and brass Gib
    blocks. (Exception: all air pumps to be required and maintained by the Pipefitters.)
  2. Make pins for hand tire mounter and repair tire mounter head.
  3. Make shear pins and pads for tire conveyor.
  4. Tire inflator – maintain repair rubber bumpers, adjust head and replace rubber seals.
  5. Repair and maintain tire changes and valve stem machines.
  6. Fabricate, maintain and install (except those normally installed by millwrights) all clevises and pins on all cylinders
    not used to clamp or locate parts used in the construction of vehicles.
  7. Machine Repair will machine parts for other trades with the assistance of the toolmaker trade.


  1. The moving, unloading (including all steel and other maintenance equipment) uncrating, storing and installation of
    heavy machinery, motors, and other equipment.
  2. Erect, set, level, and align machinery equipment where the skills of this trade are required.
    77 3. Install and maintain bases for motors and gear reducers.
  3. Erect, install, maintain, and repair blowers and fans, with the exception of man cooling fans.
  4. Fabrication layout, erection and installation, iron and steel structures, floor plates, brackets, pan tanks, bins, and
    conveyor guards, installation and disassembling of stock racks after exhausting MP&L employees.
  5. Install, maintain, and repair machinery parts and steel structures of conveyors.
  6. Erect, install and repair building superstructures (building and sheds).
  7. Maintain and repair rigging equipment (chains, cables, slings, etc.).
  8. Install, maintain, and repair pulleys, belts, couplings, and drives except on refrigeration units.
  9. Maintain and repair material handling trailers and gondolas.
  10. Install, maintain, and repair overhead doors (inside and out) except wood panels.
  11. Install counterbalancers (spring and air operated) with the following exceptions:

Pipefitters can install up to ten (10) lb. Balancers for hanging air pendants.
Electricians can install up to ten (10) lb. Balancers for hanging electrical leads.
Millwrights will repair and maintain spring-operated counterbalancers and cables on air-operated balancers and hoists.

  1. Move office equipment when the size or unbalanced nature of the load is such as to require the skills of the trade.
  2. Fabricate, install, and maintain guard rails (hand rails, drinking fountain guard, etc.) except highway guard.


Layout, fabricate, and carry through to completion including installation of pipefitter work.


Install pipe for plumbing, water waste drains, sewage, and vent lines. Install plumbing fixtures, toilets, wash basins.


Install, maintain or replace storm sewers and drain line, underground water mains for city water, gas and fire protection
including valves and hydrants, air piping including filters, regulators, lubricators and valves, traveling manifolds, gas
piping, regulators, control valves burners and pilots, stead and condensate pipe traps regulators and controls, piping
systems for water, oil, paint, gasoline, antifreeze, sealer, lawn sprinkler (controls and sprinkler heads), liquid soap lines,
valves and tanks, mill and chilled water pipe and coils including cooling towers.


Layout, cut, thread, drill, and tap pipe and setup of piping for welder on pipe fabrication.


Make pipe joints, except welding but including soft solder sweat joints and the bonding of plastic pipe.


Install, maintain, and adjust air pendants and hoses for hoists and air balancers and adjust air balancers.


Fabricate, install, and hang air and water hose including: snaps, rings and trolleys to support such hose.


Install counter-balancers (up to and including ten (10) lb.) for the purpose of supporting hoses and pendants.



Install and maintain all air logic controls and equipment (including control circuits on multi nutrunners torque readout
and visa-wink units).

  1. Install and maintain the internal and external pipe, tubing, hoses, and valves for fixtures, jigs, and metering units, i.e.,
    the caster-camber machine, brake tester, radiator power steering and transmission fill, clamp fixtures, vacuum testers.
  2. Set and erect control boards, gauge boards, meters and recorder used to measure, record, or control the flow of
    temperature of material through a pipeline.
  3. Install and maintain float-controlled devices including: float rods and levels, steaming stations, including super heaters,
    hoses, nozzles and hand grips.
  4. Handle, set and maintain steam or hot water radiation units, steam or hot water coils in water tanks, penthouses and
    other heating units and steam unit heaters. Also, the installation and removal of steam heater where the longest side
    does not exceed thirty-six (36) inches.
  5. Powerhouse piping except injector, blowdown, and feed water lines.
  6. Installation and maintenance of E-Coat and Bonderite filtering systems.
  7. Fabricate pipe hangers, hanger rods, anchors, braces, floor plates, saddles, and roller hangers for all pipelines.
  8. Piping herein specified means pipe tubing or hose made from metals, tiles, glass, rubber, plastic, or any other material
    (except those now installed or maintained by Tinsmiths) manufactured into pipe tubing or hose usable in the pipe fitting
    or plumbing trade.
  9. Pipefitters will make repairs on all air operated pumps.
  10. Pipefitters will maintain, remove, and install pop rivet stations.
  11. Repair and service all portable air tools and air motors.
  12. Repair and service all air hoists except cables.
  13. Repair and service pendant controls for all hoists.
  14. Make complete diagnosis of trouble causing failure or faulty operations of air tools and make all necessary adjustments
    and repairs to correct these conditions, including air pressure test and drops in air hoses at the air tools.
  15. Complete overhaul on all hydraulic rivnut headers and pop riveters, also the hydraulic pulley pushers (Sputnik).
  16. Maintain and repair all air balancers except cables.
  17. Perform repairs, alterations, replacements, and preventive maintenance required on air conditioning and refrigeration
    units in the factory, the administration building and the premises.
  18. Follow all policies and procedures ODS (Ozone Depleting Substances)
  19. Clean air and water-cooled condensers and air conditioning and refrigeration cooling towers.
  20. Soft solder, silver solder or braze is necessary to service, alter, repair air conditioning and refrigeration units and


30. Repair and maintain free-standing drinking fountains and the refrigeration units of remote style drinking fountains.

  1. Service and install air operated heating, cooling and ventilating controls and the connecting copper lines in the
    administration buildings. Also, the air motors and connecting copper lines that operate the heating, cooling, and
    ventilating dampers and louvers in the administration buildings and the roof penthouse.
  2. Take daily log sheet readings of electrocoat system and of administration building air conditioning system (absorbers).
  3. Pipefitters shall be assigned to the power tool room crib with the following roles and responsibilities:

Maintaining the Mechanical operations of all DC nut runners
Preventative maintenance of the tools gear sections, repairs on tube nut, and hold and drive tooling.
Maintaining all air tools including Preventative Maintenance (PM).
Servicing and repairs on all air balancers, chain, or wire rope models
Servicing and repairs on spring balancers
Servicing and maintaining all air chain hoists in final assembly including all the MOD center hoists
Servicing all air tractors and motors
R&R tools and broken socket extensions on fixtured tools
Maintenance of all pop rivet guns including the battery backup guns along with the power stations
Maintain operation of the flat top AC sniffer
Weekly safety PMs



Stationary Steam Engineer
Operate, maintain, clean, overhaul, and perform repairs on Powerhouse equipment and machinery associated
with the production, control and recording of (a) compressed air, (b) cooling water. The Powerhouse equipment
specified includes the following: laboratory testing of cooling waters. Also included are air compressors, inter
coolers, after coolers, air receivers, air drying and filtering equipment and portable air compressors when
required for production.
All Powerhouse personnel are required to have a minimum of High-Pressure Boiler Licenses, and the
licenses will be posted.


Maintain chemical pumps, air receivers, inner and after coolers, and cooling tower.


AIR COMPRESSORS – Inner and after coolers, air receivers and dryers, condensate tank, blow down valves,
remove and replace feather valves for magna fluxing, overhaul air compressors, clean and rustproof air receivers,
and condensate tanks, remove and replace inner and after cooler tube bundles.


In charge of the operation of all Powerhouse equipment.


Runs and records chemical test, adjustments made, and chemicals used.


Records gas used, steam produced, air produced, water used, electricity used, equipment in operation, and repairs


Overtime will be charged according to Master Agreement.
Preventative Maintenance (PM) Planner

Ford Total Production Maintenance (FTPM). The FTPM process will be utilized throughout Paint, Final,
and Facilities to improve operating effectiveness and eliminate equipment-related downtime. The


implementation of this process will insure the advancement of continuous improvement and throughput.
The FTPM process will be coordinated by a Skilled Tradesperson in paint, final, and facilities, respectively,
to implement this process on a full-time basis. The PM Coordinators and Management shall be the
champions in implementing the initial process and coordinating of all future implementations.

The FTPM process will involve the tagging and/or identification of problems found during the cleaning,
inspection, and minor maintenance processes. Skilled Trades work assignments will continue to be made in
compliance with the principles established in the Master Agreement, Local Skilled Trades Guidelines, and
Maintenance Work Team language.

PM coordinators roles and responsibilities in regard to FTPM/minor maintenance include:
o Keeping the necessary indirect material supplies to perform work.
o Understand the FTPM/minor maintenance tasks relevant to their area.
o Train employees using appropriate documentation (Operating Instruction Sheet, Job Safety
Analysis, Tooling, Equipment & Maintenance, etc.)
o Attend weekly Superintendent/Group Leader meeting.
o Complete necessary documentation.
o Gather matrices, measurables, and FTPM cleaning information and bring this to the maintenance
planning meeting.

  1. Layout, fabricate, and carry through to completion, including the installation of all tinsmith work.
  2. Fabricate and erect sheet metal parts and equipment such as: signs, ventilation systems, exhaust hoods, cyclone tanks
    and containers, bins, screens, baffles, stacks, pans and removing, repairing and installation of machine guards where
    forming of the sheet metal is required.
  3. Layout sheet metal, cut patterns, coil, shape, form, groove, bead, seam, drill, rivet, and solder sheet metal as required.
  4. In general, sheet metal is designated as ferrous and non-ferrous metals eleven (11) gauge or lighter. Work on thicker
    gauges of metal is normally assigned to the Millwrights.
  5. Fabricate, install cribbing, and underguarding.
  6. Assemble, install, and repair lockers and change locks when removed by a Sheet Metal Worker.
  7. Fabricate, repair and install: metal office partitions, trim doors, ceilings, and door locks.
  8. Make and install locking bars on metal cabinets and tool boxes.
  9. Assemble and install modules units.
  10. Assemble and repair office desks, chairs, cabinets that are made of metal.
  11. Assemble and repair metal tables.
  12. Install and repair metal shelving.
  13. Repair sheet metal for industrial lift trucks and tow tractors and replace sheet metal on westcoasters.
  14. Install permanent shields and silhouettes


15. Install and maintain lamson tubing, vacuum cleaner hose and flexible air duct.

  1. Install, maintain and repair fire hose holder.
  2. Toolmakers will fabricate, build, inspect and maintain drill jibs, drill fixtures, assembly jigs, fixtures checking fixtures,
    gauges, tool, and hand tools pertaining to production.
  3. Toolmakers will service, maintain, and assemble: parts manufactured by printers that require modifications such
    as jibs, fixtures, hand tools, and inspect same such as wheelhouse assembly fixtures, door hanging fixtures, roof rail
    fixtures, upper back fixtures – the part of detail location or holding of clamping on presses, dash, quarter panel,
    windshield, backlite, side glass, front and rear glass, sub assembly and gauges, I.P, fixtures.
  4. Toolmakers will fabricate, install, and maintain clevises and pin on all cylinders where the cylinders are used to clamp
    or locate parts used in the construction of vehicles.
  5. Waste Water Treatment Operators are to be State of Michigan Certified A-2F and A-IB
  6. OPERATORS ARE TO: operate the equipment, do the necessary analysis of raw waste water for treatment, analysis
    on treated water, do the chemical transfers externally and internally, clean up of spills, perform routine preventative
    maintenance on equipment in the light minor category of grease and change oil of all the equipment, tighten valve
    packing, tighten bolts and nuts, unplug hoses, pipes, valves, pumps, clean out influent wet sump, effluent sump, clean
    and wash down filter press room area, sludge room, chemical storage tank area, day tank room, record keeping of
    chemicals, tests and adjustments made on equipment in operation, water treated, equipment repairs made in the waste
    water treatment plant.
  7. The Waste Water Treatment Plant equipment specified includes the following: gravity settlers, filter presses, all
    chemical tanks, polymer tanks and pumps, flash mixers, flocculators, rakes of the gravity settlers, sludge air diaphragm
    pumps, sump pumps, transfer pumps, all valves, sludge tank mixers, batch tank mixers, laboratory equipment and all
    related equipment necessary in the operation of the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
  8. All welding required for the purpose of building and equipment maintenance, expansions, additions or modifications,
    regardless of the type of welding equipment used.
  9. Brazing or soldering where dissimilar alloys are used, i.e. braze, silver, lead, etc., except when performed by other
    trades as stated below: (a) soft soldering (lead); (b) silver solder when used by Refrigeration Repairmen on refrigeration
    and air condition units and systems.
  10. Heating for bending, forming or straightening where flame are or induction heat is used.
  11. Burning or cutting where a cutting torch, line plasma cutter, or similar burning equipment is being used.
  12. All maintenance welding: Arc, Mig, Tig, Acetylene, and Gas



The Union raised the question of apprentices being assigned to work alone. The parties agreed that good judgment
and a rule of reason should be used when making these assignments. As a result of the discussions it was concluded
that, consistent with existing training methods and facilities in the plant, apprentices should not be assigned to
perform work without a journeyperson being present unless the apprentice has been trained to do the job, has been
instructed in the proper safety procedures, and is considered competent to perform the assignment.

It is mutually agreed between Ford Motor Company, Michigan Assembly Plant – Final Assembly, and the International
Union UAW, Local 900, on September 17, 1987, at Wayne, Michigan, the provisions covering the Changeover
Agreement for this unit are as follows:
It is agreed and understood that periods exist when it becomes necessary to place additional employees on skilled
classifications of work when journeymen are not available. This Agreement is entered into to define the application of
changeover classifications when workers are not available to journeymen classifications.

  1. The term “Journeymen” as used in this Agreement means any person:
    a. who presently holds a journeyman classification,
    b. who has served a bona fide apprenticeship (meeting the standards established by the Federal Committee on
    apprenticeship) and has a certificate which substantiates his claim of such service,
    c. who has had ten (10) years’ practical experience in the trade and can establish satisfactory proof thereof, and
    d. who has experience and training equivalent to that required in a bona fide apprenticeship course as set forth in 1-b.
  2. Qualified production employees may be used to perform functions normally performed by tradesmen within the various
    skilled classifications provided that they have filed an application setting forth acceptable qualifications. Changeover
    employees shall be placed on Changeover classifications by plant seniority provided they are not required on their
    regular operations. Any problem in releasing employees to Changeover classifications will be resolved as expeditiously
    as possible when brought to the attention of Management.
  3. All Changeover employees covered by the Changeover Agreement shall start at the minimum rate in accordance with
    the existing merit increase plan.
  4. Changeover employees shall exercise seniority within their Changeover classifications as of the date of entry into the
    Changeover group, and they shall be displaced by apprentices or qualified journeymen.
    a. Changeover employees shall not acquire seniority within the skilled departments but will continue to accumulate
    seniority in the seniority group to which they belong before transfer.
    b. In the event of reduction in force of a Changeover classification the affected Changeover employee will be returned to
    the classification they last held before becoming a changeover employee in line with their seniority.
    c. All Changeover employees on a particular classification will be laid off before any qualified journeymen or apprentices
    are laid off from the skilled classification.
    d. In the event of a reduction in force, employees will be reduced according to their plantwide seniority.
  5. Changeover employees shall be required to sign a waiver indicating consent to the terms and conditions of this
    Agreement and expressly waiving the accumulation of seniority in the skilled trades department. Such waiver shall be
    signed in triplicate and one copy each furnished to the Company, the Local Union and the employee.


6. No Changeover employee shall be eligible to work premium time while any journeyman or apprentice on the same
classification in the same department on the same shift has not been given the opportunity to work.

  1. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the National Ford Department of the UAW and the Labor
    Relations Department of Industrial Relations Staff and shall remain in effect for the duration of the existing Master
  2. The Company agrees to discuss the feasibility of implementing the Changeover Agreement during vacation downtime.
    In addition, consideration will be given to the preapprenticeship list for supplementation of the skilled trades.
    The following definitions of past practices have been agreed upon by the representatives of Local 900, UAW and Ford
    Motor Company, Wayne Assembly Plant, pursuant to Paragraph 6 of the Skilled Trades Supplement Agreement. These
    definitions cover past practices referred to by the Union and do not necessarily include all work assignments by the
    trade involved. It is understood that these definitions are subject to the provisions of Paragraph 5 and 6 Exhibit 11 of
    the Skilled Trades Supplemental Agreement and the Company’s letter to the Union dated December 7, 1970, subject,
    “Skilled Trades Work Assignments
    This Agreement shall not prejudice either party with respect to work assignments which are discussed but which did
    not result in agreement upon definition of past practices.
    Both parties reserve the right, subject to prior notification, to include practices that are not covered by this Agreement.
    After much discussion, the Company and the Union agree that in an effort to reduce total plant cost and avoid
    outsourcing of facility items, a Facilities Maintenance Crew will be established.
    Their responsibilities will be to maintain the facilities and non production related equipment on the interior and exterior
    of the MAP building complex.
    This crew will not be utilized to support normal production, but will be available to assist with breakdowns.
    This agreement does not prohibit the assignment of regular maintenance personnel to these work assignments whenever
    manpower needs allow.
    The Company will maintain a fire watch crew in each department of Paint, Final, and MAMC respectively during
    down times. Security will not be used to provide the essential fire watch. Scheduling for fire watch will be by low
    hours absolute.
    The LJSOEC will schedule regular meetings as required by the national agreement. The meeting will be monthly, or
    as needed, on the second Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. Those in attendance will be: Bargaining Committee
    Member, Site ME, Skilled Trades Committee, Skilled Trades Chairperson, Skilled Trades New Tech Rep, MWT
    Leaders and Labor Relations Rep. The skilled trades committeeperson or chairperson will be assigned to the local job
    security and operational efficiency committee. The meeting will also cover any sourcing issues, overtime, minor
    maintenance, and contract interpretation issues.


Michigan Assembly Plant, as agreed upon by National Language, June 23, 2009, will establish Maintenance
Work Teams.
The National Language requires that core Trades be organized into Maintenance Work Teams to support
manufacturing operations, perform usual building maintenance, and take on project work when necessary.
Training will be a key enabler to help improve our overall competitiveness.
At MAP, the Maintenance Work Teams will include:
Machine Repair
Industrial Truck Repair
Work will be assigned by Maintenance Management or the Maintenance Team Leader:

First, to the core trade on the Team as defined in our local past practices.
Second, to the next available properly trained Team member.
Third, if a Tradesperson requires additional help on an assignment, any Team member can be assigned
to assist.

Management retains its right to assign work of an overlapping, incidental or emergency nature as expressed in
“Exhibit II: Skilled Trades Work Assignments”.
The Maintenance Teams will be implemented by Maintenance Management and the Local Skilled Trades
Governance Committee. Their meeting will be integrated into the existing weekly meeting between the Skilled
Trades Representatives and Maintenance Management.
If this new structure proves unworkable, either party, with thirty (30) days’ notice, can suspend the new language
in favor of our previous local agreement.

In regards to non-production downtime (i.e. layoff week), the following procedures and restrictions will apply: 1) all
vacation and/or personal time for any down time, which would force a higher seniority employee to work said
downtime out of order of inverse seniority, must be approved by Management by the end of the #3 shift on the Tuesday
of the production week prior to any downtime. 2) In instances not involving vacation and/or personal time, employees
will not be allowed to either add themselves to, or remove themselves from, the down time work list after 12:00 PM
on Wednesday of the production week prior to any down time.


As a result of these negotiations, there was much discussion regarding the process to permit labor clearance for
outside contractor work within the bargaining unit. The Company agrees to follow the National Language, with an
18-Step Process for insourcing discussions. The 18 step process derives from: “The National Letter of
Understanding, subject Outside Contracting, October 9, 1999″. Both parties agree that this is a requirement for work
to start within the building. Any work started without this agreement will be halted immediately until resolved.

OVERTIME AGREEMENT Skilled Trades (Traditional 5×8 Schedule)
It is mutually agreed between Ford Motor Company Body and Assembly Operations, Michigan Assembly Plant –
Final Assembly and the International Union, UAW, Local 900, March 22, 2024 at Wayne, Michigan, that the
following provisions will govern the Overtime Agreement for Skilled Trades.
The Company intends to abide by the provisions of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement concerning the
assignment and equalization of overtime opportunities under Article IV, Section 6 of the Master Agreement.

  1. Overtime will be scheduled by Skilled Trades classification by low hours by shift, within department, as long as the
    classification is within the agreed upon spread, except for negotiated holidays. If the classification is not within the
    agreed upon spread absolute low hours will determine who works and seniority will determine which shift the
    employees works.
  2. Employees may be offered to work double shifts in order to facilitate weekend overtime.
  3. If an employee is required to work a shift other than their usual shift, low hours determine which employee works and
    seniority determines which shift an employee works, but in no case will an employee displace another employee from
    his regular shift if that employee is scheduled to work.
  4. Management will make every effort to provide coverage for any trades that are not working due to training
    requirements, vacations, medical leaves, and absenteeism. Management and the Union will continue to work together
    to determine appropriate coverage requirements. Any disputes can be elevated to the Plant Chairperson and Plant
    Manager for resolution.
  5. The Company agrees to adhere to the low O/T hours when offering O/T opportunities as described in bullet point one
    (1). The Company will pay grievances upon receipt for blatant weekend O/T violations. In certain instances, the
    Company may deviate from strict adherence to the order of low overtime hours in scheduling assignments (for example,
    overtime scheduled for emergency coverage or where it is desirable that overtime on a specific job be worked by the
    employee who started it on straight time).
  6. Skilled trades supplementation will be done from within departments of Final, Facilities, and Paint.
  7. The Overtime Coordinator will be notified by Management when overtime work or coverage is needed. The
    Coordinator will schedule daily overtime. Management will not notify individuals to work overtime except in
    emergency situations.
  8. Schedules for the upcoming weekend’s overtime shall be posted by Thursday at 6:00 a.m., whenever possible. Any
    changes occurring after 6:00 a.m. will be posted and orally communicated to individual employees. However,
    Management retains the right to schedule overtime in accordance with Article IV, Section 6 and Appendix H of the
    Master Agreement.
  9. Apprentices will be offered weekend overtime in a ratio to Journeypersons of 10:1 on a plant wide basis. All
    Journeypersons will work before Apprentices in trades where the ratio is less than 10:1.



  1. An overtime survey will be taken for each shift by the shift Overtime Coordinator on Monday and Tuesday of each
    week. Surveys are to be turned in to the lead Overtime Coordinator by the end of the shift Tuesday.
    a. Employees will indicate their preference for weekend overtime for the same week and daily overtime for the
    following week (i.e. yes/no and shift department preference)
    b. Employees on an excused absence on Monday and Tuesday will be afforded an opportunity to express their
    preference within the first two (2) hours of the shift on the day following the excused absences.
    c. Employees failing to indicate a preference will be considered to have refused the overtime should it become
  2. The survey for the Christmas holiday period will be available for two (2) weeks beginning on the first Monday after
    Thanksgiving Day. Employees shall be selected for all negotiated holidays by low overtime hours.
  3. The lead Overtime Coordinator will:
    a. Schedule weekend, holiday, and downweek work in conjunction with Management. b. Track all charges.
    c. Prepare weekly overtime reports.
    d. Post the weekly overtime reports and daily DROTS in designated areas.
    e. Maintain the supplemental work list.
  4. When errors on the overtime record having an immediate effect on an employee’s overtime schedule, it’s the employees
    responsibility to notify the o/t coordinator within one week. If the error is brought to Management’s attention prior to
    Thursday, Management will work with the o/t coordinator and correct the errors prior to scheduling. All other errors
    will be corrected the following week.
  5. All the overtime survey sheets, weekend and daily overtime work list, etc. will be handled by the shift Overtime
    Coordinators. The Overtime Coordinators will record and turn in all charges to the lead Overtime Coordinator.
  6. Overtime hours will be charged for all hours worked or surveyed within each classification. It will be the employee’s
    responsibility to report to the Overtime Coordinator or Supervisor all hours that are worked outside their unit.
  7. If an employee is off work due to vacation, personal time, layoff, etc., and said employee surveyed “Yes” to work any
    upcoming overtime, it is the employee’s responsibility to call the plant (Overtime Coordinator) to find out whether they
    have been scheduled to work. An employee who fails to report for overtime under these conditions will be double
    charged for all hours missed.
  8. Any employee who is off work due to bereavement on the day or days prior to an overtime event that he / she is properly
    scheduled for, will be removed from the overtime work list unless the employee calls in (to the Overtime Coordinator)
    to say that he / she will be reporting to work.
  9. All overtime worked or refused, within our areas and trades is chargeable, except for overtime missed due to:
    o Short Term Military Leave
    o Jury Duty
    o Bereavement
    o Training while off site. Overtime paid while training off site will be charged.
    o Supplemental Overtime offered (see below Item 13)
  10. Employees will not be charged more than sixteen (16) hours worked and applicable premium hours paid within a
    twenty four (24) hour period, unless the employee voluntarily works more hours, in which case they will be charged
  11. Overtime records will reflect the overtime hours paid and the overtime hours charged but not paid. Such entries will
    be made at the applicable overtime premium rate hours.


7. Employees must notify the Overtime Coordinator to be removed from the weekend schedule by the end of their shift
once the schedule has been properly posted, or incur a double charge for opting off later if a replacement cannot be
found. Any changes to weekend scheduled that occur after the end of the midnight shift the day prior to the weekend,
the replacement employee must go to the open position regardless of shift but if refused he/she will not be charged.

  1. Any employee accepting weekend O/T and not reporting shall be double charged. If an employee only works a portion
    of the hours that they have accepted, they will be double charged for the hours not worked.
  2. An employee who is charged for Saturday because they surveyed “No”, and who would not have been charged for
    Sunday because they surveyed “Yes” and were not scheduled, shall not be charged for Sunday overtime that became
    available on Saturday.
  3. Employees who have been paid overtime as a result of a grievance settlement will be charged with the number of
    overtime hours paid at the applicable overtime charge.
  4. Except in those cases involving grievance settlements or double charges for failures to report for properly scheduled
    overtime opportunities, charges which record missed or refused overtime opportunities will not exceed six (6) hours
    for any work day, eighteen (18) hours for any Saturday, or twenty-four (24) hours for any Sunday or holiday.
  5. Any employee who is called at home and cannot be reached or refuses to come in will not be charged for the offered
  6. Any overtime offered as a supplemental shall be charged on a separate supplemental Overtime list. These hours shall
    be tracked and follow the same Overtime rules as established in the local agreement. Supplemental overtime will
    ONLY be offered to employees who are NOT canvassed to work within their base classification. Any charges incurred
    shall not be included in the base classification overtime hour’s list. The supplemental overtime list will not be subject
    to the equalization language and not subject to the grievance procedure, and will be zeroed out each equalization period.
  7. Overtime grievances will be resolved at the close of the (1 year) equalization period. The overtime equalization control
    point will be established at a seventy-two (72) hour spread. The Company agrees to pay all imbalances at the end of
    each equalization period.
  8. The Company agrees to recognize the Project Coordinator classification as needed to facilitate the efficient in-sourcing
    of maintenance and construction work.
    The overtime equalization control point for Project Coordinators will be ninety-six (96) hours. This control point will
    be in effect for all equalization periods of this agreement and may be renewed annually by mutual consent, or may be
    negotiated by both parties.
  9. For the purpose of this Agreement, the equalization period is defined one (1) year beginning with the first Monday in
  10. At the beginning of each equalization period, overtime hours will revert to zero (0) if Management and the Union have
    resolved all overtime equalization problems satisfactorily.
    Management will settle all out of spread grievances within thirty (30) days of the end of the equalization period.
  11. A new hire or rehire will assume one (1) hour over the employee with the highest in the classification. A reinstate will
    assume the average hours in the classification. When apprentices join the program they will placed at high plus one (1)
    and upon graduation they will be averaged into their overtime classification.
    Deviations from the provisions of this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement of the parties when abnormal
    conditions such as holiday periods affect the sign-up and scheduling procedures.



Overtime will be scheduled by Skilled Trades classification by low hours by shift. within department, as long as
the classification is within the agreed upon spread, except for negotiated holidays. If the classification is not
within the agreed upon spread absolute low hours will determine who works and seniority will determine
which shift the employee works.


If an employee is required to work a shift other than his/her usual shift, low hours determine which employee
works and seniority determines which shift an employee works, but in no case will an employee displace
another employee from his regular shift if that employee is scheduled to work. In no case will an employee be
offered to work consecutive 12-hour shifts within a 24-hour period.


Management will make every effort to provide coverage for any trades that are not working due to training
requirements, vacations, medical leaves, and absenteeism. Management and the Union will continue to work
together to determine appropriate coverage requirements. Any disputes can be elevated to the Plant
Chairperson and Plant Manager for resolution.


The Company agrees to adhere to the low overtime hours when offering overtime opportunities as described in
bullet point one (1). The Company will pay grievances upon receipt for blatant overtime violations. In certain
instances, the Company may deviate from strict adherence to the order of low overtime hours in scheduling
assignments (for example, overtime scheduled for emergency coverage or where it is desirable that overtime on
a specific job be worked by the employee who started it on straight time).


Skilled trades supplementation will be done from within departments of Final, Facilities, and Paint.


The Overtime Coordinator will be notified by Management when overtime work or coverage is needed. The
coordinator will schedule daily overtime. Management will not notify individuals to work overtime except in
emergency situations.


Apprentices will be offered overtime in a ratio to Journeypersons of 10:1 on a plant wide basis. All
Journeypersons will work before Apprentices in trades where the ratio is less than 10:1.


An overtime survey will be taken for each shift and submitted to the lead Overtime Coordinator by the end of
the first scheduled RDW of the work week.
a) Employees will indicate their preference for overtime for the following week by the end of their second
scheduled RDW of the current work week (i.e., yes/no and shift/department preference).
b) Employees on an excused absence must express their preference by the end of their second scheduled RDW
of the current work week for the following week.
c) Employees failing to indicate a preference will be considered to have refused the overtime should it become


The survey for the Christmas holiday period will be available for two (2) weeks beginning on the first Monday
after Thanksgiving Day. Employees shall be selected for all negotiated holidays by low overtime hours.


The lead Overtime Coordinator(s) will:
a) Schedule RDO’s, holidays, and down weeks, in conjunction Management.
b) Track all charges.
c) Prepare weekly overtime reports.
d) Post the weekly overtime reports and daily DROTS in designated areas.
e) Maintain the supplemental work list.


When errors on the overtime record having an immediate effect on an employee’s overtime schedule, it’s the
employee’s responsibility to notify the overtime coordinator within one week. Management will work with the
overtime coordinator and correct the errors prior to scheduling. All other errors will be corrected the following


All the overtime survey sheets, and daily overtime work list, etc. will be handled by the shift Overtime
Coordinators. The Overtime Coordinators will record and turn in all charges to the lead Overtime Coordinator.


Overtime hours will be charged for all hours worked or surveyed within each classification. It will be the
employee’s responsibility to report to the Overtime Coordinator or Supervisor all hours that are worked outside
his/her unit.


If an employee is off work due to vacation, personal time, layoff, etc., and said employee surveyed “Yes” to work
any upcoming overtime, it is the employee’s responsibility to call the plant (Overtime Coordinator) to find out
whether they have been scheduled to work. An employee who fails to report for overtime under these conditions
will be double charged for all hours missed.


Any employee who is off work due to bereavement on the day or days prior to an overtime event that they are
properly scheduled for, will be removed from the overtime work list unless the employee calls in (to the Overtime
Coordinator) to say that they will be reporting to work.
All overtime worked or refused, within our areas and trades is chargeable, except for overtime missed due to:
Short Term Military Leave
Jury Duty
Training while off site; overtime paid while training off site will be charged
Supplemental Overtime offered (see below Item 12

Employees will not be scheduled/charged overtime hours for any event that has consecutive 12-hour shift that
falls within a 24-hour period.


Overtime records will reflect the overtime hours paid and the overtime hours charged but not paid. Such entries
will be made at the applicable overtime premium rate hours.


Employees must notify the Overtime Coordinator to be removed from scheduled overtime 24 hours prior to the
start of the scheduled overtime shift or incur a double charge for opting off later if a replacement cannot be
found. The employee must go to the open position regardless of shift but if refused he/she will not be charged.


Any employee accepting O/T and not reporting shall be double charged. If an employee only works a portion of
the hours that they have accepted, they will be double charged for the hours not worked.


Employees who have been paid overtime as a result of a grievance settlement will be charged with the number
of overtime hours paid at the applicable overtime charge.

  1. Except in those cases involving grievance settlements or double charges for failures to report for properly
    scheduled overtime opportunities, charges which record missed or refused overtime opportunities will not exceed
    18 hours on RDO’s 1 and 2, and 24 hours on RDO’s 3 and 4.
  2. Any employee who is called at home and cannot be reached or refuses to come in will not be charged for the
    offered overtime.
  3. Any overtime offered as a supplemental shall be charged on a separate supplemental overtime list. These hours
    shall be tracked and follow the same overtime rules as established in the local agreement. Supplemental overtime
    will ONLY be offered to employees who are NOT canvassed to work within their base classification. Any charges
    incurred shall not be included in the base classification overtime hours’ list. The supplemental overtime list will
    not be subject to the equalization language and not subject to the grievance procedure and will be zeroed out
    each equalization period.




Overtime grievances will be resolved at the close of the (1 year) equalization period. In the event that the overtime
spread exceeds one hundred forty-four (144) hours within the classification and shift/crew, management will
schedule the low-hour employee within the classification and shift/crew on a plant wide basis until the overtime
spread is equal or less than one hundred forty-four (144) hours within the classification and shift/crew. The
Company agrees to pay all imbalances at the end of each equalization period.


The Company agrees to recognize the Project Coordinator classification as needed to facilitate the efficient insourcing of maintenance and construction work.

The overtime equalization control point for Project Coordinators will be one hundred forty-four (144)
hours. This control point will be in effect for all equalization periods of this agreement and may be renewed
annually by mutual consent or may be negotiated by both parties.


For the purpose of this Agreement, the equalization period is defined as one (1) year beginning with the first
Monday in November.


At the beginning of each equalization period, overtime hours will revert to zero (0) if Management and the Union
have resolved all overtime equalization problems satisfactorily. Management will settle all out of spread
grievances within thirty (30) days of the end of the equalization period.


A new hire or rehire will assume one (1) hour over the employee with the highest in the classification. A reinstate
will assume the average hours in the classification. When apprentices join the program, they will be placed at
high plus one (1) and upon graduation they will be averaged into their overtime classification.

Deviations from the provisions of this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement of the parties when abnormal
conditions such as holiday periods affect the sign-up and scheduling procedures.

During the course of negotiations there was discussion on the procedure to fill Plant Master Trades positions. This
includes Electrician, Plumber/Pipefitter, and Mechanical. Both parties recognize the importance of maintaining these
positions for adherence to State of Michigan requirements for permits associated with construction work. Therefore,
it is agreed that the Site Master on Record for all applicable trades, shall be assigned to the Facilities Department
until they are no longer recognized as the Site Master on record.
The Company agrees to the Power Lock Out Agreement.

Skilled Trades employees will only be required to push units including seats and engines in cases of breakdowns. Under
no circumstances will any hourly employee be required to push units due to material handling issues.


Two (2) times each year, the first Monday in May and the first Monday in November, bumping will be allowed within
the same classification by seniority, between assignment groups (areas).

The assignment groups will designated as the following:
Paint Maintenance Group
Final Maintenance Group
Facilities Maintenance Group
Management will provide training as necessary for employees moving between groups.
This language in no way precludes the Company’s right to adjust the number of groups or the number of employees
assigned to such groups. The Company will discuss changes with the Union prior to implementation.
Shift to shift bumps within groups will be done on a weekly basis. Any employee exercising a shift bump will not be
allowed an additional bump for one hundred and twenty 120 days (4 months).

The Union and Company recognize that trade leaders will play a significant role in the success of maintenance work
team. The trade leaders, through continuous improvement and new technology, will help the reduction of total plant
cost. The trade leaders must possess leadership abilities, and will be involved in the following:

The day to day issues on the shop floor.
Assist with breakdowns.
Coordination of FTPM matrix concerns within their immediate area.
Coordination of weekend work, holiday work and shutdown work in their immediate area.
Coordinate with Management for spare and replacement part requirements.
Communication between trades.
Coordination of scheduled PM tasks in their immediate area.
Trade leader will not be responsible for time keeping, or disciplinary actions
The Union and Company recognize that group leaders will have a significant impact upon the success of the group
specific processes like PM coordination. The Group Leaders will meet with the Maintenance Manufacturing Leader
to discuss various throughput issues and process resolution to resolve problems. The Group Leaders must have strong
leadership abilities and the skills to perform effectively on the job.

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ABC Company
